Do not submit to fear. Fear does not serve you. It does not create the world of which you are dreaming. When you focus on your fears, you place all you energy – dreams, emotions, thoughts – into that which you are fearing. There are many avenues currently instigating fear, they are not accurate. We tell you this because we are seeing the planetary events occurring now. Each time you focus your emotional attention on the fearful information, your own energy is aiding those that wish for their idea of what can be. Your emotions are the catalyst by which all energies manifest on this planet…yes, your emotions, not your thoughts. Your thoughts are the managers or activators of your emotions; they set out the energetic patterns that will now become manifest. Your imagination is like the tiller, constantly recreating the direction your emotions and thoughts will travel upon.
Trust is the antithesis of all fear tries to become. Love, kindly felt and transferred to all living beings, is the emotion of Trust. These two partners of possibility, creating a peaceful relationship devoid of hatred or anger, free of antagonism and jealousy or greed, are the answer to recreating your ‘new age’. If you focus only on the trust and love, you will begin creating a reality rich in symbiosis and abundance. This is the choice we continue to direct you toward rather than the fearful choice you are being shown.
The planet herself is aiding your choices. She is reforming herself into a more balanced and healthful form from which she has been pushed and manipulated by humans. She is recreating the choices of fear or love within herself. She is strengthening and healing those pieces and parts of herself that have been riddled with the fear and lack humans seem to possess in such profusion. She is not set upon harming you, she is showing you that through change and different decisions, you can grow and learn to thrive again. Thriving as you were meant to thrive…in a state of love and trust, totally free from any fear.
The re-creation of your world is really one in which you are once again being given the choice of a fearful reality or a trusting and loving reality. We cannot manipulate you; we can only give guidance when you are listening. Are you listening?
We love you,
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light
Ashanti Lavanthia