Speak to us caring for ourselves…
The Divine loves you and watches your attempts to care for yourselves and wonders how you sometimes care so little.
We encourage you to love yourself. As you love yourself and care for yourself more and more you will begin to feel the essence of love and care connecting you to the Divine and to all those Light Beings who walk beside you. And we do walk beside you, daily. We are here to remind you of the connection to Divine Love and Abundance available to you at all times.
When you care for yourself you nurture the spiritual part of your life as dearly as your physical aspects. Your spiritual Self is the reason you are here in this incarnation. It wanted to be in the earth plane to experience every piece of human existence. It sought out the many reasons to incarnate… karmic rebalancing, fine-tuning the senses, and learning the aspect of emotions that are not experienced in purely spirit form. Your spiritual self wanted this lifetime to once again remember what human/earth modality is like and remember to love Self and all others.
Spiritual Self is limited to its pattern of remembrance by how deeply you are able to learn to love your physical, and in turn, the emotional self while you are here. Because of this, when you ignore your physical body, you are negating the emotional and the spiritual aspects and you are once again caught in what is called the Karmic Wheel.
The way to love the physical is by the very simple means of eating what the cells of your body need to thrive and stay in health… pure water, untainted or unpoisoned foods. Also by helping your body to create the desire to stay whole by learning how to use all parts that make it up… exercising its many parts, letting it experience the beauty around you, breathing in the Prana, pure air, deeply throughout the day. All these are ways to care for the Self, to love the Self.
Nurturing the emotional self is easily accomplished by acknowledging what are emotions while in the physical form. When you are angry, acknowledge what that connects to and how it has been created; when you are sad, acknowledge what that is connected to and what or who is creating it; and when you are happy, fully acknowledging how this has been created in your life. Your soul knows Love, but your human consciousness must remember what that is while incarnate and how to express that feeling with others, and your Self.
The balance of healthy physical and emotional life is the doorway to a strong spiritual Self that will in turn fulfill the objectives to why you chose to experience lifetime. To be incarnate is the gift you have given your Self. Do not neglect this gift.
Imagine waiting in line to purchase a beautiful present for a dear, dear friend; the line is very long and you have waited for what seems like an eternity to reach the cashier. It is only in choosing, waiting and them finally making the purchase that you are able to give the gift to someone you love. Your life is exactly like this only the dear, dear friend is You, and the gift is the present of this Lifetime.
Wrap your present with the care it deserves… wrapping it in love, kindness, attention and great care. You will be happier with this beautiful experience than by throwing it in a corner and ignoring what you have so lovingly and wisely chosen.
We see your life as this present, may you also be excited by what you have given your Self.
We love you,
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light