These times of evolution and acceleration you are calling difficult times, and for many it is difficult; difficult even for those of you who are aware of the higher vibrations occurring on your planet. The raising of vibration is more difficult than you remember and yet you return to this place over and over. Always you are seeking more enlightenment and freedom in yourself. Always you are seeking to right the wrongs that you imagine are happening. There are no wrongs. Only choices that do not reflect the Light or the Divine Mother. Are your choices ones that emanate the Light or choices that stifle evolution? These are the questions you must ask yourself before your next action or next incarnation.
Your generation of ‘boomers’ passed through the portals and immediately returned to correct the atrocities placed upon them. They have righted some of the wrongs and continued others. That is the way of your life, your experience in the 3-D.
Your Gen – X has wanted to attempt the impossible of achieving the most with the least efforts and yet those efforts have resulted in greater difficulties than imagined. There has been no easy time of it, only relearning how to maneuver through situations beyond their control.
Your Gen – Y has wanted to show your world that the Divine is in everything. This is the ultimate truth. Their attempts to show this anomaly to others has resulted in bickering and hostilities because the old chooses to retain their beliefs and illusions into a tale long left to fantasy long ago.
Your Gen – Z has wanted to show that we are all one. This is another ultimate truth in which there is no solution. While the soul can see into limitless realms and ideas, the ego is limited to the long standing beliefs set down before it from generations of blindness.
Each of these generations have become more and more intuitive and more and more attuned to others.This is all part of evolution within the human construct. The deep inner conflict occurs when these highly sensitive, intuitive souls encounter resistance to the imminent planetary evolution. Since they are also highly attuned to the tribal vibrations of inclusion and fitting in, the deep need to belong, the conflict creates mental, emotional and spiritual internal chaos that is acted out in ways that do not support the Light. You are watching this in all forms of destruction.
Why do we speak of these things? It is because we believe, have always believed, in the divinity of your souls and that whatever method you may pick to learn enlightenment is always a viable solution and we will support you in all ways. Your enlightenment, this evolution of which you seek, is the only real truth and as such we will always open doors for you and move obstacles that you may move toward your goals in each lifetime. You must, however, be aware enough to ask for our help. This is of great importance.
Seek that which is deep within your being-ness. You are the answer to all of your questions. While we observe the situations, we also have, in the past, corrected actions and occurrences. This is not the case during these times. The re-setting of the universal clocks has hindered our abilities to interfere, as it were, and we can only be observers and overseers to whatever is in movement upon not just your planet, but the entire planetary system. There is, at this time, an intergalactic re-writing to remove the dross from the essential. This is true galactically; this is true planetarily, this is true within yourselves. Remove the dross; remove what no longer works internally, what no longer works socially and politically, what no longer works economically, what no longer works in the whole of your reality. While volcanoes and planetary plates move aside for the new emergences, so too look to see where you are stagnant and lacking evolvement or spiritual emergence, release anything and anyone that cannot ‘hold’ the new resonances and vibrations that are and will continue to surround your planet and integrate within you. All that you release is essential to your healing so that you may hold these new vibrations. Your planet is evolving. The galaxy is evolving. Each of your souls is evolving, with or without, your consciousness. If evolution is apparent with consciousness, then the transformation will be with greater grace and ease; if it is done with non-consciousness, your souls will fight the renewal and will create greater chaos in the whole.
No matter which of these approaches you might take, we are always holding you in Light and surrounding you in our love and constant consideration.
We love you
Lord Melchizedek and The Council of Light