Speak to us of moving ahead in our lives…
When you focus on only your Self – what you want, what tasks need to be done today, how your work will produce for you and thus for your future – you are living an incomplete life.
It is incomplete because it is only focused on what is outside of you. You are trying too hard to follow the dictates and training of your worldly servitude. And, in so doing, you begin to feel as if your life is being lived as a servant. Do you not at times feel as if even the work you love doing is working you rather than you doing the work? This condition is so commonplace in your world, and no matter how incomplete you may feel or how inadequate your life may seem to you, still these are the living skills you practice.
We suggest that you focus more on your life within; the life of the Soul. Focusing on the life of your soul will lead you toward the path of light that you were focused upon when you first chose to pass through the veil to join this world. Seeing your life from this perspective will open up myriad possibilities of change and thus choices for you. How can this be? you ask. It can be simply because it is the way of Spirit and as such, it is the way of the Spirit World from which you come. You have not originated from the earth, you have originated from the world of spirit and it is from this world you owe your consciousness and your actions of living.
The World of Spirit asks very little of you, much less in fact than the world of man. Spirit asks simply that you focus on your heart and how it may learn to open, to grow and to share the compassion that is its second nature. This service to the heart, and in turn to spirit, seeks not to over-power others but rather to join with them in shinning brightly as a full expression of the Divine in all that is done and expressed. The service to the heart seeks not to collect more data or more possessions, but rather to share what you have learned…freely, joyously and kindly. In return, this same heart felt service reciprocates in kind…sharing, expressing and giving of all it knows, has and is.
Simply then, moving ahead in your world is an easy practice of being true to who you already are, a magnificent being of light that expresses itself out-worldly to all it meets and sees. How you may do this is left to each of you, as it has always been. We again ask you to remember who you are, to remember the divine purpose you chose before moving into this world, and to remember that we love you and that we trust you to love yourself.
We Love You,
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light