Speak to us of helping one another…
You have asked us how to enhance and develop your spiritual lives. Spirit is answering your requests in what may seem like overwhelming numbers. We are excited by you and for you! As your world is undergoing great change, greater numbers of visiting spirits from multiple dimensions are joining you as helpers and supporters of these changes. Everything you do upon the earth plain is reflected within the Heavens. This is a truly remarkable time for spiritual advancement for all sentient beings. We want you to succeed. We want you to grow beyond any smallness or limitations you may have been taught or still believe in. When you ask, when you are in alignment with your heart’s desire and your Higher Destiny, answers and results are as easy as reaching out your hand and letting them become full.
These last intense months have drawn on your spiritual training and your spiritual remembrance of how to move through adverse circumstances. The last year has asked you to reach deeply within yourself to seek answers rather than searching for outside solutions.
Outside solutions no longer play as much importance in the outcome of any problem. The wise among you know that any problematic situation is truly an opportunity for furthering karmic development. They are truly wise ones. What you have been presented with is karmic growth and clearing on a larger scale than ever before. How are you choosing to see these situations?
Too many are seeing these challenges as roadblocks to what they want. When you become focused only on what you fear will be lost, that becomes paramount in your mind; it becomes the only reality. You have forgotten what is truly eternal. The doorway to Eternity is opening and you must all learn to walk through this doorway together. There can be no more single-ness, there can only be community and how to help and grow that community for you to thrive into the new millennium you are creating. We are here to assist you in whatever ways we can. We are here to share our example of helping one another.
When you were first choosing to be reborn into an earthly experience, you were also beginning to forget eternal togetherness. Moving from one-dimensional experience into another is a way of separating from what you know. It will be exactly the same when you retrace your steps on your return journey home. Little by little you will begin to forget what was so important on the journey itself. We are here to help you remember how easy your soul life can be when you are all infused with one another’s essence of Love. There is only that Essence. There is no possession; there is no singularity; there is no anger, jealousy or fear. When you are in alignment, there is only remembering that as you help your fellows, you are also helped.
As for your question today, “How do we help one another?” the answer is that you must always see the face of the God-Head in each individual. Most importantly, you must see the face of the God-Head in yourself. You Are. We Are. I AM.
It is all very simple at the core of All That Is.
We Love You,
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light