I am the Emissary of Peace. Peace in this and all other times. Peace to be increased by all who are able to hear me. My name is Melchizedek.
We have not visited in this way before so it is quite a pleasure
We great you and speak to you for a while that we may assist in correcting energy in the body and the mind.
You may each find the foundation of your reality moves; it is very mutable right now. This foundation is on a platform of transcendence so that what you once knew as 3-dimensional has moved quickly from 4-dimensional to between the realms of 4th & 5th dimension. It is this 5th dimensional shift that has left you feeling as if you are walking on pebbles, as if your footing is not stable, not certain. The dizziness that some you are feeling – this is what that shift is.
The energy problems are non-acclimation to the shifts that you are undergoing at this time. We suggest Frankincense oil to help relax the cells of the body and the cells of the brain; to bring back the equilibrium. And address and calm some digestive problems you may be having. It will help for your acclimation to these changes that you are under going.
Yes, it is such a new age thought to say you are undergoing change, and that the planet and the elements are speeding up, yet it is so. There are things that are shifting and changing.
The violence that you see, the inconsiderations that you see, the inability for people to be comfortable within their own life, within their own relations, within their own land, this is all due to that shift and change that acceleration. It is being experienced also outside the planet, but within the planet itself. This is why things are felling as if they are shifting or swaying to you. There are waves of electro magnetic energy coming down upon the planet through sun flares and also from deep within the planet; waves of electro magnetic energies coming from deep within its very center and moving out in all directions.
For those of you doing this work, you are experiencing these shifts and changes, and it is uncomfortable for you. And you are witnessing the violence and the confusion in your society. These are the people that have no awareness of what you have been studying or learning or working towards. Each person is experiencing these same energies, yet so many have no idea or understanding of what is happening to them energetically. They have no outlet to address or ask questions of what is happening except in the old paradigm of limited third dimensional perception. They have no idea what they are being hit with, or what it means, or how to translate these experiences with their perceptions of third dimensional reality.
For those of you doing this work, your job now becomes greater because your job now becomes one to balance these new energies. You are now responsible for moving the energies of Light and Love and Compassion outward from your hearts to all these people.
It is so easy for humans to go into a state of judgement or condemnation , and this you may not do. You must now work doubly hard to heal yourselves; to move out of your mental or emotional conditions of self judgement, of being a victim, of not being good enough, of not fitting in, of not being worthy, of not being in the right place, of not being the right person, of not being with the right person, of not being with any person at all. All of the things that you use to keep yourself small, all the things that keep yourself apart from others, and from yourself. You must heal this and correct it immediately. None of these thoughts serve you any longer. You must correct it.
A large order, yes, but each of you have come to this place and time because you have the ability to do such. And we want you to be aware that this is the truth…because otherwise you would not be in the place of awareness you are in. And, you would not be in the position for us to expect these things of you that you may move forward, to step forward. Please step forward to help all of the others that are in such confusion.
To add to the present chaos, you also have the political and social arenas that are acting as psychic distractions; we ask you to stop paying attention to the media. We need you to focus, not to these distractions, but upon the earth and feel the daily changes that are happening. We ask you to pay attention, but to the new and intense electromagnetic energies, the sun flares, the changes in the earth that you feel, the social and emotional energies of unrest that you are seeing. All these need your energies and focus of healing to manifest positive changes rather than more confusion and unrest.
We need you to pay attention to the interplanetary conditions and the sun flares and the energy that surrounds this planet – daily, hourly, moment to moment – to begin to balance them. There have been those that have come before you that have balanced these energies. Those in my group balance these energies all the time. Anything we can do you can do also. The situation you find yourself in mentally and emotionally is that you think of yourselves as being very small, very ineffective, very inconsequential, and this is not so.
You are very mighty, and we want you, and need you, to step forward to be the mighty spiritual beings that you are, because the balance needs to come back into our arena, back into your purpose, not the purpose of those who have been working to bring things out of balance.
Blessings In Light,
Lord Melchizedek
Lord Melchizedek