Open your eyes. What is the purpose of your life? What is the texture of your own making? We are here to help you reflect upon this last years endeavors; not to make a judgment but to assist you is seeing your actions and your deeds.
Open your eyes to see all the good you have done and all that was left undone. There is no difference in our eyes, only the hope that more of you will awaken to your purpose and the ultimate healing of your selves and your world, and thus engage with the universe.
Open your eyes that you may see within. Seeing within reflects that which is without. Open your inner eye that you may see the entire universe within and without. Know that you are loved and never alone. This is as it should be. Rise up from your levels of servitude and know that you and we are equals. There is no difference, only equality of the spirit.
See this last year in human terms and look upon the pieces you have completed and those which are still unfinished. There is still time. In this lifetime, or another, there is always time.
Notice how you have grown through the adversities that have plagued you this last year. So much has been placed before you and yet you have continued to strive and grow and heal. You have continued to grow in spite of all that has happened and because of all that has happened. You have grown strong and in doing so have been an example of what that strength can look like without being with anger or hostility. This is the growth that will serve you in the year to come.
You have also grown while maintaining relationship with others and helped them to see another way. A way of compassion and light, not anger nor revenge. Those that have not moved along parallel lines are still orbiting your orb of light, but they must be left in the vacuum that is their life and not in the light that is yours. Let yourself feel the human emotions of loss and sadness. This is what you entered into the earth plane to experience. Never shut the door on these human emotions. They are the binding force of Earth herself. They are as rich and meaningful as all the love and joy you have experienced. They are teaching you how to experience humanity for within rather than from without. All these emotions bind you to one another. Letting another move on is not the same as never having felt the experience, so do not erase them or the experience from your psyche, each has its purpose. Do not let yourself succumb to morbidity or resentment. Each of you have served the other well. This you must know. To not know and thus not understand this unique service you do for one another is wasteful and serves no purpose other than self serving.
Hold dear also those that have moved with you. These are the lifelines to your current reality. This is the reality which will move with you into this coming year. These souls are moving with you in tandem to a vortex of light upon the planet you have embraced. This coming year will be both of sudden splendor and great difficulty. It is as it shall be. There is no changing the coming pattern, only the perspective of how you move into these coming changes.
The shifting of the poles, that occurred 20 years ago and settled less than 5 years ago, is now bringing weather changes of great proportions and must be dealt with. The north and south poles have become reflections of one another. The East and West coasts are in the process of reversing their seasons and weather patterns. Prepare, but do not move into fear. The earth is changing and developing along with her inhabitants. This is the way of evolution and can’t be altered. But it will be respected and revered along with the coming human dilemmas of hunger and homelessness.
War is inevitable, but not as a last resort. It is the brainstorm of those that would rule your world without your consent. Should this war occur, as there are always variables that can, and may, eliminate the oppositions to the growth of humanity, it will be the last you will see on your planet. Not because it will destroy the planet, but because of the devastation humans will experience and not be able to control, this devastation will be such that humanity will finally perceive that this is not the way to lasting peace, not the elimination of fear. That this manner of handling fear and propelling greed is not the way to anything other than further devastation and pain.
Watch the signs, and hold the energy of light and compassion for all those that would do harm. This is again the strongest and most effective means of countering these actions of greed and unconsciousness. Practice the exercise of Unconditional Love onto any who attempt to diminish your light and what you are trying to accomplish. The only emotion that cannot be destroyed, the only consciousness that can exist in a vacuum is Unconditional Love.
Hold all those near to you that are dear, and hold all those that would do you harm in your hearts. That is the energy of Unconditional Love you have been learning and must now practice. We ask that you hold the thoughts of peace in your consciousness to such a constant state that these energies, peace and enlightenment, are the only possible outcome for your species. It is possible for you to accomplish. We thank you in advance.
Blessings In Light,
Lord Melchizedek