Speak to us of why some people struggle while others seem able to glide through life…
What is viewed as struggle or ease in life are a result of conditions some may call karma. Karma is the result of many centuries of observation in what is known as cause and effect. The effect is individual souls having created a restless spirit that wants to experience emotions. Your planet is unique in its ability to create the emotional state of feeling emotional nuances beyond love. Many souls want to experience what these other nuances might be. Thus, the karmic wheel begins its pathways of experience and repetition. Karma also develops the multi facets of soul growth that perpetuates each soul to advance through the many layers of spirit evolution known as dimensions. Currently there are fourteen dimensions and within each dimension there are 12 layers of experience. Souls advance, or retreat, though each of these layers and dimensions through multiple lifetimes. Lifetimes and lifetimes of experience, struggle, redirection, growth, solution, repetition, and ease are all part of the soul experience.
When you see someone in the ‘effect’ of struggle you are seeing the expression of that souls need to experience the multiplicity of the experience of struggle. It is not only, however, just the ‘experience of struggle’ but the experience of struggle within the boundaries of a particular lesson presented. This means that each person, depending on their individual ability to grasp an event or situation and surrender to it, has the opportunity to struggle or accept any situation at any time.
Another aspect is that a soul may have undergone a repetitive experience of struggle through many lifetimes. What then creates this repetitive experience? Each struggle, as you refer to it, is an opportunity to experience, resolve and find solution to the situation at hand. When you are given a karmic resolution experience how you handle it will depend on your ability of choice. Choice of retribution or choice of acceptance and release. For example, in a past life your current brother stole something of great importance from you. This left you with resentment that has carried over into this lifetime. The opportunity to steal from this same soul (no matter the present incarnate representation) is presented. If you choose to steal from as retribution from past actions, the karmic wheel continues between you. If, however, you choose to not participate in that action, the karmic wheel of repetition is stopped and the next lesson you have chosen for yourself will be presented.
So, what is observed as gliding through life may be an accumulation of many lifetimes where choices were made that allow for this ease. Or, the glide through life may be to experience how others treat the person while they are presenting that appearance or it may be the experience of how kindly others are treated while the person has the ease of the current lifetime.
The same can them be said for apparent struggle. Great life lessons can be learned through what seems like struggle. One must ask during the struggle if the struggle is the lesson or if the struggle is the reaction to the life lesson. Only the person will be able to know this answer by surrendering to the situation and discovering the outcome to the result.
We love you, …..
St. Germaine and the Council of Light
Ashanti Lavanthia