You are loved.
You are on a Hero’s Journey, the likes of which you have not encountered before this time. The Initiation of this Journey is sometimes long and tedious and most do not make it to its end. They stumble and fall along the wayside, bemoaning their fate, the unfairness of the situation(s), the inequity of what “is happening” to them. They are not alone. There are always many others walking similar Journeys beside them… but not with them.
There are always those (sometimes family and friends) who attempt to create roadblocks along the path of this Journey. Those that have closed their eyes to there own Journeys, those that have succumbed to the pain, the fear, the confusion and chaos that, as part of the Journey, presents itself along the way.
We understand that this Journey is not always an easy experience. It may not seem like you have chosen it, but we assure you that you have… long ago. Long ago when you chose to walk this Earth-Path and be your own Hero. You do not become your own Hero by standing by the wayside as an observer, nor by only assisting others along their path. You become your own Hero by being true to the Path you have chosen and staying sure-footed as the road dips and turns and washes out before you. There is no other way to move along this path… if there was, those that have gone before you would have discovered it already and let you know. Those that have walked before you can only assure you that the road narrows, continues, and that they will see you along the way in much gladness.
All your plans, and all your dreams are actually connected exclusively to this Path, not only to the plans you have been putting into action. Life is happening around you all the time. It does not stop because of circumstances nor situations. The Path-of-Life is a moving wheel of light and love and possibilities all of which you have not even been privy to yet. Let Life lead you, not the circumstances you find yourself in at any given time. Circumstances and situations are mutable… you are a constant living entity that has choices and Divine Light. We trust that you will see the Light and make the choices that will lead you onward on your travels.
We Love You,
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light