Speak to us of starting new projects…
Never be afraid to start new endeavors or projects. Never be afraid to begin something new. So many of you hold yourselves back waiting for the perfect to time begin your dreams. The only time you have for your dreams is Now. Holding your dreams and waiting for the perfect moment stifles your dreams and makes them smaller than they need to be. No dream is too small. No dream is too unimportant. If you have dreamed it, it has the potential to be enormous. If you’ve dreamed it, it has the possibilities of manifesting into everything –and more- than you have imagined.
Dreams are the extensions of who you are. Not merely as your incarnate self, but as the soul being who is eternal and all knowing. Thus, when you express your dreams, you are expressing the deep and Universal Soul Being that you were dreamed into from First Thought and First Light. When you are free enough to express your dreams, you are actually acknowledging that you are free enough to express your God-Self into physical form. You are expressing the God-Self Manifest. So, no dream can possibly be too small.
The fear of this self-expression is your remembrance of not being seen as who you truly are. This has nothing to do with what you call the ego. It is only from past life memory of a time when showing your true God-Self was received without acceptance, love and many times may have caused what you call the death of physical form. What is important to stretch beyond, is the current knowledge that God-Self-Expressed is a welcoming and freeing manifestation of all that can be creating and is being created in the new paradigm that is expressing itself in your “new age”.
Remember that the new paradigm is opening itself up to the Dream of Universal God-Self in Their purest form… what can be imagined can be manifested. You, as pure expression have an obligation to manifest all that you can possibly imagine yourself into being.
Step forward into yourself. Create who you are, plan your project, and in turn you will create what you want. We joyously await your presentations!
We Love You,
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light