Speak to us of Sacrifice…
Your world sees sacrifice as giving up something of value for the betterment or benefit of something or someone of greater value. We never see anything as sacrifice. We see only the whole of creation as working with one another… no sacrifice, no competition, and no disharmony. When you are realized as at-oneness, there is never a need for fear or illusion. When you are at-oneness you are immediately within the combined energies of Source and are seeing each other as yourself. This is, and has been our message through the years –and the ages- to you. See your self as your brother/sister and there is no need for fear or for anger.
There have been cataclysmic earth changes recently that some of you project as just or as right retribution for imagined wrongdoings; your brothers and sisters are not the sacrifices for the planet. We say to you, dissolve these thoughts. They serve you in no way and keep you from your own path of enlightenment. These thoughts create true sacrifice within you; those ideas that sacrifice your higher self – your enlightened self- to the limitations of fear and ego.
The karmic wheel of your planet has reached such a position of shift that you only need sacrifice yourself from your own choosing, not from the insistence of another or your society. Your fears and illusions daily create sacrificial conditions of your higher nature, and yet, you proceed forward, blindly forcing the way in emptiness of thought, word and deed. Does not the ego sacrifice the heart in its belief to acquire all that it sees? Does it not sacrifice also in wanting another to be, as it believes? The ego is that part of you that was enrolled in helping the heart and the soul to retain balance in your world. And yet, you have entrusted it with the job of designating what is right or wrong, what is just or unjust, and what is possible or impossible. This was never its mission; it was a companion of your higher self, nothing more.
We ask for you to do more communication within the heart chakra and less with the ego. We ask that you communicate deeply within yourself to find the answers that you seek, rather than continually going outside yourself seeking how to create more or to create superior.
When you are in right-alignment, there is never any idea of sacrifice as you know it… no belittlement, no dis-harmony. When you are in right-alignment, you are in alignment with all creation and the idea of sacri-fice becomes ‘that which is being made sacred’. You then find yourself in balance with everything in your world and beyond. More importantly, your heart and your higher mind (6th & 7th chakras) begin working in unison… in union with the Son/Sun. This is the place of entitlement you have been seeking. This is the ascension you have been looking for upon your planet. Because there is a deep cosmic connection between all sentient beings the ascension process is one of total harmony and enlightenment, not escape for just a few.
Connect the heart and the higher mind. Connect the heart with all other hearts and allow the connective-ness of all peoples to create sacri-fice –sacredness becoming- for all of you.
We Love You, St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light