Speak to us of karma..
As we have spoken before, karma is not a solid or permanent condition. It is fluid and malleable. The old concept of karma was that you were relieved of your karma only one piece at a time per lifetime. This has not been true for the last 50-100 earth years. The souls arriving on Earth are all here to clear the extent of their collective karma in their lifetime so to eliminate the continuous repetition of incarnations. This information is important to your world as a whole. This means that each soul is having the opportunity to work through, learn and complete karma. Eliminating this karma frees each soul to create not so much a continuous classroom, but a space of ecstasy, harmony and peace in their lifetime.
When looking at the condition of a lifetime, as it has been in the past, the need to recreate conditions of strife and turmoil so that karmic lessons could be experienced. Now, you are looking at the final chapters of that mindset by humans. And, as goes for humans, thus goes for all sentient earthly life.
Thus, the elimination of this karmic condition will take many off the wheel of dharma and life and place the souls into spiritual freedom of choice. Spiritual freedom of choice will enable humans to live more fully, and without the trappings of greed, lack, hatred, anger and such. In the past all of these negative emotions were to assist in the karmic lessons; now, eliminating karmic lessons will allow for souls to have the choice of staying upon Earth to live a life of peace or moving into a different realm of existence and harmony. For those choosing to remain, rather than moving into a parallel reality, they will have the opportunity to teach others this energy of bliss by holding that frequency and the mindset of harmony. Enlightened humans will show those still seeking enlightenment how it is possible to achieve. Without the knowledge of achievement, human concepts are difficult for many to undertake.
For those choosing to move into another state of reality, it will look very much like the reality of Earth in its purest form. It will be much like a parallel reality of Earth but with no strife. Either reality is totally one of complete choice by the individual and does not reflect upon the soul with any level of judgement or conditions. It is truly but a choice afforded by the clearing of karma.
You are seeing your world today through those eyes of choice and clearing of karmic bonds. As you see your world in its struggles of growth and expansion, see it as freeing itself rather than repeating its mistakes. For that is what your world and its people are doing. These current struggles are merely a complete reflection of the expansion and degree of the level of enlightenment that is currently being experienced by humankind. As you view current situations and conditions notice how you react to each occurrence. Do you allow the flood of earthly feelings to refill you with anger, hatred, judgement, separation or do you allow the soul and higher self to continue to establish the growth through karma to hold an energy of peace, harmony, and passion for equality? You will automatically identify which of the choices you are making after each demonstration of strife you are experiencing.
In this and all future endeavors, allow yourself to be of patience and kindness to your self and all others. You are each moving along the path of growth in exactly the manner in which you are able and which you have achieved.
Blessings In Light,
Lord Melchizedek