Speak to us of managing stressful times…
Times of stress are only such when you are out of balance with the laws of the Universe and your eternal essence. All times are simply those moments that occur in your life. There is no good or bad attached to any situation, there is no good or bad attached to an occurrence. It is only the emotions you hold toward the situation or occurrence that allows you to interpret them as stressful, joyful, loving, hateful, etc., that gives power to what is happening in your life.
More correctly, you are asking of the condition of your planet in this present moment. Let us answer that…
Your planet is at a turning point in its capacity of holding and supporting the people and all its sentient beings. It is this compression of the number of beings that is being experienced as stressful. What you are watching is the great number of people interacting with the extreme energy being emitted by auras of all that are present. These beings are not conscious to blending their essences and as such, they struggle by thinking they can control the land, the monies, the people, the air and water, the behavior of all they see. Their world, and their view of their reality, is very small and not part of the Universal Mind.
Some situations are such that like minds of peace, harmony and love have found themselves together and the intermingling of these souls and auras are emitting the energy of the combined minds and hearts. Other situations are not in this same harmonious emanation and the energy of like minds are of fear, confusion, hopelessness and anger. It is this type of environment that your media is giving focus and time to. When you indulge yourself by observing this second type of emanation, you are feeding this type of energy. You then feel these same uncontrolled emotions and begin to believe they are the only and true reality. What you feed grows; this has always been fact.
Would it not be kinder to yourself to place your focus onto the loving and kind energies rather than the fearful and hateful energies? Would it not be less stressful to focus on how you may evolve and bring enlightenment and hope to the many peoples? Even if this kind focus is only in your family or your neighborhood, that which you begin to focus upon will grow and involve all those you touch. Each occurrence is only that which you place your emotions into. What are your emotions and their focus when you place yourself into a situation? These are the questions you must consider asking before your allow your energies to bleed out into the masses. Those of you who have worked for consciousness have the responsibility of remaining conscious and being the example of sanity for those who do not know of consciousness nor the gift of choice.
There is only Universal Law and Eternal Essence. There are no ‘stressful times’ there are only times of choice and conscious decisions. What are yours at this time?
We love you, …..
St. Germaine and the Council of Light
Ashanti Lavanthia