This month Ashemè is offering an article shared with Nylon Magazine. She offers some simple suggestions for newbies to the mineral world.
Crystals, mainly referring to minerals from the Quartz genre, have been used since ancient times.
Huge quartz crystals are referred to in ancient Sanskrit writings. Reference tells us they were used to propel wheeled vehicles down the road. Egyptians used rose quartz as a beautifying aid, and amethyst as protection for their traveling emissaries; ruby was often used for protection. Lapis, ruby, malachite and turquoise were all ground into powder for eye shadow and other make-up needs.
Modern healing practices combine what has been passed down through written information and folklore with new age metaphysical philosophy along with the ever evolving quantum psychics. These new scientific ‘discoveries’ have simply put credence onto what many alternative healers have known and followed for decades.
Quartz crystal is the champion of the healing tools. It has piezoelectricity that allows it to be programmed and to carry information, and energy through its central axis (running from its base, through its center and out its tip, or termination). Most healers will have a strong collection of quartz crystal ‘hand-held points to create healing grids, to use as personal power pieces, and to place around a client during a healing session.
Placing crystal and assorted minerals onto the body will alter the actual frequency or vibration of the cells and shift the emotional field of the body. Magic? Perhaps. But mainly, minerals work through the actual chemical composition of their structure by aligning with the chemical composition and frequency of the human body. We can easily see the adjustments being made through the stones into the body by using them on our pets or children. Because these two lack intellectual cognition, their response to crystal and minerals can be quickly and easily seen without any explanation.
When choosing a crystal always learn to trust your instincts. Everyone has natural instincts, or intuition, and this can be built upon simply through practice and self trust. Your first impression of what crystal you like, or what you’re drawn to before you start ‘thinking about it’, will usually be your best choice.
After choosing your personal crystal you will want to clean it by setting it into a mild salt water bath for 24-48 hours. A good clearing solution formula is 1TBS to 1cup water. You can also try the shamanic practice of smudging (surrounding and clearing with sacred smoke) with sage leaves for cleaning your crystal.
If you are new to crystals and minerals for personal use, as well as starting a collection for beauty, these are some of the easily found minerals for a collection:
Clear Quartz Crystal: personal healing and meditation crystal
Rose Quartz: love, kindness, emotional healing
Amethyst: meditation, stress reliever, calmness
Citrine: concentration and focus
Aventurine: physical healing
Black Tourmaline: deflecting negativity and protection
Our usual Spirit Speaks will return next month.