Speak to us of when we will love again…
You all love now. It is to varying degrees that you each love and that is how the separation between you is measured or viewed. It is also the measurement each soul has placed upon itself to measure its separation from Divine Form.
Some of you have developed sufficiently to understand that love is not an action, but a way of being. It is not a means to an end, it is all there is. It is not individualized, but inclusive to all beings…human, animal, plant, planetary, interplanetary. It is not merely an idea, but a manner of embracing all there is. The more you have come to love yourself, the more you are able to love those outside yourself. This is the ideal. It is the personal involvement that is needed to take further steps into spiritual development and conscious awareness.
The step (or developmental stage) before this is to love the Self. This is a multiple stage. In loving the Self, you have forgiven in totality all those who you believed in this lifetime or another to have harmed you in some way. This is a great achievement from our vantage point. For in learning to forgive, you are learning to love. There is no greater gift than to love an old hurt; just so, there is no greater gift than to forgive that which seemed unforgivable. When you have forgiven and learned complete self love, you automatically move to the next consciousness stage. In loving the Self, you have also opened yourself up to the vulnerability of receiving love…Love, in all its complexities, its levels and with no conditions.
The step preceding this is one of loving family and friends. This loving of family and friends is indeed a necessary stage because here you acknowledge that while all others have faults and idiosyncrasies, they are part of Divine Form and lovable…have a need for love, deserve love, are capable of giving love. There are no conditions or requirements placed upon the love, or loving itself when you reach this stage.
The step before this stage is to move through the motions of love by learning what it can and cannot do for you. In essence to use it as a vehicle of measurement for getting what you want, for commanding others, for manipulating your environment. This stage is where so many of you become lost or confused. It is a stage of human development that each two year old or three year old uses to decipher their environment within the family. It is a developing stage that so many of you become lost in its web of confusing signs. It is a stage of constantly questioning self worthiness and factuality of existence.
The first human stage is to feel total separation; separation from Divine Form, separation from family, separation from self. This developmental experience is one that is necessary to each individual. It ultimately enables the Self to search for personal meaning apart from the Divine. If this stage did not exist, there would be no reason for you to continue your quest in earthly form. Where there is a question, there is hope there is an answer.
As you are experiencing on the planet, these last two stages are being reflected constantly in such numbers that many of you begin believing these are all there is to your experience.
You will all love one another when each of you has successfully moves through each of the stages of learning to love. You are merely seeking to return to your pure state of beingness that you have temporarily forgotten. For those of you who have successfully developed through the many steps and stages, we ask that you not lose heart or hope, but continue to love in the stage of perfection you are presently in and to continue to master your consciousness and development of Love.
We love you,
St. Germaine and the Council of Light
Ashanti Lavanthia