Speak to us of the Spiritual Fire of Initiation…
Each of you is on a spiritual journey. Some are at the beginnings of your journey, and some are traveling closer to the final pathways.
The beginning journey could be likened to a calm sea with new discoveries along the way. You are excited about what you can see on the horizon. It is the beginning of your earthly education as a spiritual being and everything is fresh and new and exciting. You are meeting new friends and learning new ways of being, and new ways of acting and discovering other travelers and how to interact with them. You may have memories within the cells of other lifetimes that were not of this planet. Do not allow these memories to become distractions or excuses for not following through with what you designed as a human experience.
The middle pathways of discovery will seem stronger and many times more without discovery. You have found your comfortable beliefs and situations. You are in a momentary lull of growth. When you are in Spiritual Lull, you will find yourself being challenged or pushed away from the comfort and motivated to move into discovery. We see you in this stage as being ‘set in your ways,’ and in the forgetfulness of complacency. Do not worry yourselves, this stage will also open up to another chapter as you move on.
Through the many years of spiritual and earthly travels, you will experience multiple ways of interacting with this thing you call human life. You will experience the different ideas concerning what humans call religion. In one lifetime you may experience the tenants of Buddhism. In another lifetime you will be deeply entrenched as an atheist or a fundamentalist Christian. But, with each change of idea, you will be seeking how the idea of the Divine is best suited to expressing Itself.
Along the spiritual paths of humans, there is no set idea, other than the idea of discovery. As the soul continues along its journeys, the ideas are being memorized within the cells and collected as auric memory. Each new lifetime these memories are re-awoken as experience. These memories act as guideposts for interactions with other travelers and as deciding criteria when choosing the next lifetime experience. These criteria impact where you decide to be born, the parents you are born through, the siblings you will be growing up with, and skills you will implement in a given life path.
As your soul develops into its maturity and Source Reflection, it will undergo many different initiations. These appear as trials, conflicts, struggle, disappointments, etcetera. Even the most spiritual among you, even the guru in his or her secluded location, will undergo these initiations. These initiations can be likened to going deep within the spiritual fires of purification and internal discovery. In each lifetime, there will be moments of deep soul searching, deep introspection, to see yourself honestly and without any world delusions or distractions. An introspection may be numerous times throughout your life, or it may be at the moment of crossing through the veil into true spirit form.
Many of you move into these deep wells of initiation and cannot see the light of truth held within the struggle. In these moments, you may spiritually question where you are going, what your purpose is, and whether the struggle is worth the pain of further discovery. We are always with you during these times. As your guides and spiritual helpers, we are always by your side to comfort and assist these enlightenments.
And they are enlightenments. Each time you can hold yourself in trust and love, the enlightenment will appear before you and guide the next steps of your journey. Each time you decide the road, the lessons you have chosen, are too difficult and choose to stop or alter the journey, we are still lovingly by your side to keep you safe and focused for the next time.
Those of you that are moving toward final steps of discovery and pure initiation have felt the immense pull or drag of your other journeyers as they grow and develop. You may have set yourselves up in this lifetime as spiritual teachers, you may have made the conscious spiritual decision in your last lifetime to join the journey of this moment as a bodhisattva to help ease the way for others.
Yes, there are many amongst you that are bodhisattvas in the present moments of planetary evolution. For those of you, the pain of watching others in their struggles is many times over whelming. We remind you to hold to your hearts and the deep Source Love you are connected to, and reflect, as you show the way to so many. And even with you enlightened ones, we are with you and by your sides constantly.
None of you are ever abandoned by those of us in spirit form. None of you are ever abandoned by True Source. You must all reestablish the premise that your do not abandon yourselves on this current journey or incarnation, nor will you abandon one another.
We love you,
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light
Ashanti Lavanthia