Speak to us of Fathers…
You are your father’s child. No matter the strength (or weakness) of your fraternal parent, you are the energy of this person. You are two halves made into one form, masculine and feminine energy. These two parts allow you to awaken to the core of your True Self.
The father energy acts as the trickster within your life. Prodding you, teaching you, comforting you, making you assume safety, knowledge and confidence as you grow. He is the challenge and the weakness of who you can become.
So many in this life now experience the separation of the two…mother & father. Yet, even if there has been a separation of these principle parts you do not need to emulate that separation. In the instant that the ovum and the sperm (the mother & the father, the feminine and the masculine) unite, it is your message to follow your core. Nothing can pull you apart; that is the great lesson. The father holds the encasement of who your possibilities are. He is like a vase you pour yourself into that you might raise to the top of your possibilities. And when those possibilities overflow the father is then the floor or basin onto which you flow freely.
Do not be concerned with whether the father disappoints you, he is merely reflecting what you need to see about yourself. Do not be concerned if the father has abandoned you, he is merely allowing you the opportunity to know yourself more deeply and be free of subjugation. Do not be concerned you construe his actions as weakness, the father is showing you the weaknesses within yourself that you have the need in this lifetime to strengthen and feel secure about.
The father’s job is to interact with those around him to reflect the ebb and tide of the mercurial aspects that are the feminine. It is in this way that you become yourself. Learn, and respect, the many facets of the masculine in your life to know and embrace these facets within you. Even when you view these parts as lacking you are still viewing them in right perspective and giving yourself the opportunity to learn if you so choose.
We Love You,
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light