God is not a single being but a collective being that has a completely unified field. In this way, God is more like you than you imagine. You also have many facets and parts comprising the whole. What you do with those parts and how you find unity within them is your dilemma in the physical.
In the most present incarnations, because of the increased vibrations upon your planet, humans are also experiencing the possibility for multiple incarnations during one lifetime. This is allowing you to experience many different life patterns and to also clear multiple karmic debts while in your present incarnation. Never before has this been presented to you in this way. Many thousands of years ago you were also able to have these multiple experiences, but not with as numerous a population as you are experiencing now.
As a reflection of the God Head, you are free to choose which karmic path you will experience during a lifetime. This freedom is one thing that makes you most unique in the Universe. The freedom to chose which life path, what karmic lessons, which life experiences (good and bad) and what karmic debts you will accumulate are all the gift of a much loving God Head to its children that they may come to understand and see their separateness and choose Unity. Since not all people are on the same path, with the same choices, at the same time, it may not always appear that an individual has the concerns of humanity within them. This is not so. What you are able to see and experience in your world and your reality is but a small reflection of the universe you hold within you. If you but look deeper, you will find the many facets of creation. Within each cell, each molecule, you are able to change your reality and thus change the outcome of your world. You only need to expand what you think of as the truth and re-create that truth. If you but look to the heavens you can see how that re-creation is playing out constantly. Is the newest star in your skies just discovered or is it more correctly, newly seen.
We are being asked for an understanding of the depth of inconsideration and contempt for human life that you are experiencing in your world at this time. These are not new things to your planet, they have been playing out repeatedly for thousands of centuries. It is only the structure of this most recent event that has caught your attention. As it was intended to do. Ask yourself not “Where was God” but “Where was I?” Ask yourself not “How could this have happened,” but “How could this be happening still?” Ask yourself “How do I now experience the respect of others that I hold within myself?” These are the questions that souls given choice ask that they might fully receive the karmic growth and future enlightenment they chose to experience on this planet, your world, at this time.
It is the best of times..it is the worst of times. It is the time to reflect inwardly for the answers of your heart, your fourth chakra, your human pathway to the thinking of the God Head. Feel yourself into Divine Unity and then think of what the Unity should be like in your world. As the God Head found a loving unity vibration, that is constantly passed on to you, to form a unified experience, you also can connect with your fellow humans and all other beings and creatures within your world to find a unified experience. You can find Peace.
We love you, Master Ti-Emein, and the Christed Healing Council