Simply put, bi-location is to be in two places at one time without moving the physical body of the person effecting the seeing. It is opening yourself up to traveling along the etheric ethers, the fine lines of etheric “gases”, from one position in the Universe to another position, or another universe. With bi-location there is no limitation, no gas shortage, no time restrictions.. simply set you mind to an idea, or location and you are there. With a clear heart and clear mind, you can affect a situation in the same way that conscious prayer can set the energy of an outcome.
Bi-location is the beginning phase of full telecommunication and time travel. When you are able to detach yourself from the illusion of mass being solid rather than cellular, you will be able to transport your physical form to any location in the same way you can transport your thoughts.
If you were able to clairvoyantly see the etheric grid of the Universe and thus your world, you would notice fine lines of clear light. These energy lines make up the aura of your world, inside the planet and without. These lines interconnect to all beings, be they thought forms or sentient.. Each of you is connected to one another through these lines. the stronger the emotional connection to one another, the stronger the connection of these lines.
It is by this means that one person can set the intent to psychically see another, to locate lost children, family members or even objects. The stronger the emotional connection, the stronger the webbing of the grid. By merely setting the intent of the name and day of birth of a person, the energy signature, you can travel the webbing of the grid.
You can also bi-locate without emotional energy attachments. Your government, and others, use this method called viewing, to identify and locate situations on and off this planet. This is often referred to as remote viewing. With simple longitudinal and latitudinal directions a viewer can travel through the webbing to another location, view the happenings and return with accurate information.
What is important in this process? You must not hold emotional attachments to the outcome or events. You must keep your thoughts clear of interference and clear you mind of all outside stimulation. When you have done this, you can easily, with practice, travel from your personal space to anywhere in the Universe. Trust your dreams, trust your new sight, and always, trust yourself.
We love you, Master Ti-Emein, and the Healing Council