The Winter is a time of rest and contemplation of what you will doing in the coming Spring. Most humans do not know how to rest. They do not take the time to quietly be with themselves, to learn what the stillness within sounds like.
Do you know the sounds of your heart? It is the restful quiet of the rain, the peaceful soaring of an eagle, the leaves moving on the wind in the tree. Do you stop long enough to hear these things? Or do you constantly move – pressing through life, forcing your way through obstacles. This is the essence of being busy and most humans know only how to be busy.
Use these Winter months to gather your resources. If you do not become still and restful you will overlook what your resources are. These resources are not how fast you work, how much you earn or how many people you can make happy. Your resources are the gifts you hold within yourself. When will be the right time to let them out? To share them?
You chose to travel to this place called life for the exact reason of sharing the true nature of who you are. Some share their gifts for a moment, some for years. Some share their gifts with a chosen few while others choose to share their gifts with thousands. It does not matter when or with how many the gifts are shared. What matters is if you share the gifts at all.
Use the Earth’s sleepy time, as she readies herself for blossoming in the Spring, to rest within yourself. Making way for the blossoming of your true self, your ideas, your love, your wisdom – your gifts. You may not even fully know what they are, it does not matter. What matters is that you rest in preparation of what comes next in your life. Open your arms to the gift of all possibility and embrace your life. You are the only one who truly can.
Master Ti-Emein, and the Healing Council