Speak to us of the coming year – 1999…
The year is one of joy and of hardship, one of laughter and of tears. Your world will see many changes this coming year, and surprises. Hold on to what you know. The seeming chaos stands all around you and you who are of the light stand directly in the center of it. It is, as always, your choice to react or to respond, to initiate healing or to go your separate ways. More of you joined the ranks of Light Workers than ever before in your history. People from all walks of life and beliefs are coming in touch with their true Christed selves and, whether they call themselves so or not, have become Light Workers.
What does the term Light Worker imply? It is the clear form of a sentient being to hold the essence of the Christed Spirit (even though some have other names for this energy) inside themselves, and then emit that energy of love, compassion and understanding, through the aura, into their surrounding environment. Because more and more people are taking on this consciousness and soul responsibility, more and more people in their surroundings are being affected by this energy, this light, this feeling and knowingness of true Oneness.
More weather changes will be affecting the world this year and the people living in those regions will have to re-think how they approach daily life. Where it has been wet it will become dry, where it has been dry it will become wet. This, as you so like to call it, is part of “the shift.”
Where there has been hatred there will be the direct possibility for reconciliation. Many areas of the world will still refuse to see the wasteful and destructive illusion of winning and loosing. Winning and loosing what we always wonder? The “Darkness”, the relative unconscious, the parts of yourselves that divide you from the God Essence and who you are and always have been – the ego – so long in control of this planet, does not release its hold gracefully. As in any war, force is rarely the answer to peaceful negotiations. The fighting forces merely go underground and fight in silence and disguise. As in the old tribal wars of good vs. evil, the negotiators will go underground with the hopes of fighting another day. We are sorry that this is so, yet it is the truth. Sometimes the best way to control a burning fire is to allow it to burn itself out. This will be the case in many areas of the world in 1999. We ask that you become not sad, nor overly concerned, for out of the fire and the ashes will rise the Phoenix.
The Phoenix is readying itself inside the planet even now, to raise in triumph and joy in many areas that previously have been dark and painful. Hold the Christed Consciousness within your hearts in support of this birthing struggle. Your planet needs the light to see in the darkness.
We try not to invest ourselves in the trials and tribulations of current politics, yet we know this plagues the minds of many of you, so we shall speak on it. As with the ancient tribal wars displayed in other countries, this country also struggles. Your president has been divided since his election. In his heart, he serves the Light. In his mind he serves the illusion of darkness and chaos. Many of you saw the heart energies when he first took office, but as with anyone who has divided interests, it is debilitating to serve two masters. It is debilitating to he who serves as well as to those who are served. This is what you have been experiencing for the last year. No matter which political side you have stood on, the occurrences have taken energy and thought, thought that could have better been served in other areas, not just politically but in each and every personal household.
Distraction is always the choice of the darkness, of the ego. When you are distracted, you neglect to view your lives with the same interest and devotion, and are easily deflected from focusing on the truth. At this point, do any of your know what the truth is regarding your President? No, you only know what has been uniformly shown to you, not what you have needed to see about any of the proceedings. Again, what is happening is very deeply in motion and cannot be altered. Both “sides” have chosen where they stand and neither side stands for the light, nor the truth, no matter what words they give you. Do not be distracted from the truth inside yourself. Hold the Light, that each player in this scenario might have the opportunity to see within themselves and find the Christ Light. Expect great changes and upheaval until that time. This country will be in flux and stages of change and growth for the next several years, you need only prepare yourselves for the receiving of the Light.
No matter what earthly changes, wars, upheavals, lies and delusions are played out in this dimension, the receiving of greater and greater amounts of Light and Love are still a constant experience for those that choose to receive.
Find the teachers and friends that resonate to the essences you are comfortable with and surround yourself with these people, these beings of Light. Become the teachers and the friends and let yourself be surrounded by the seekers. Open yourselves up to all possibility and rejoice in the wisdom that brought you to this place and time as the experience of change and growth are ever present in your reality. Remember, always, that your reality is God Essence based and be of great love and peace.
We love you,
Master Ti-emein and friends