(1) A framework of crisscrossed or parallel bars; a grating of mesh
(2) An interconnected system of the distribution of electricity or electromagnetic signals over a wide area, especially a network of high-tension cables and power stations
Grids are the vibrant energy around and within our planet and thus ourselves, they are an ancient way of arranging materials or items into a pattern. These patterns can represent multiple dimensions, a simple room, a person, health, and earth lay-lines. The materials used can be quartz crystals, colored minerals, flowers, or a person’s name.
Using the network of electromagnetic energy, this class will look at the numerous ways of placing varied materials to create protection, change, and wellness.
You will learn how the using the power of numbers will enhance the power of a grid.
You will see how grids can be used in a healing session and how to extend the concept of a healing grid for distance healing.
You will learn how to create a grid for earthquake protection in your home and the planet.
You will learn how a grid can be used against natural disaster.
You will learn how to create an Abundance Grid.
We will be working with crystals for an Abundance Grid, a Health Grid, and a Love Grid. Small kits are included in the cost of your class.
Pre-Registration Gift (by April 15) Small Sage Stick (a $5.50 value)
You may register on Venmo