Sapphire | Scepters | Selenite | Seraphinite | Serpentine | Shaman’s Stone | Shattuckite | Shungite | Smokey Quartz | Sodalite | Spheres | Stilbite | Sugilite | Sunstone | Tangerine Quartz | Tanzinite Aura Quartz | Tekities | Tibetans | Tigers Eye | Tinkasite | Titanium Aura Quartz | Topaz | Tourmaline | Tourminalated Quartz | Turquoise | Unakite | Zoisite
The Scepter Quartz Crystal is recognized by the naturally formed crystal that is formed around a rod of either quartz or a secondary mineral, at its base.
They can symbolize the power held by the high priest or priestess. Another of the harmonics stones surfacing at this time, they unite the spirituality of the higher realms with the healing energies from deep within the earth. They activate the power within to work with external, third dimensional action. Scepters remind us that we are all co-creators with the Divine, that we are the king/queen of our lives.
Wherever you wish to integrate a more balanced power in your world, a scepter will be willing to assist and show the way to that personal power. They also remind us that we are not alone in our endeavors. Deep within our hearts, deep within any situation, there is always support for our actions.
Used as personal meditation tools, quartz crystal scepters show us how to reach into the heart of the matter, the heart of any situation, the heart of a disability. They will show the way into the heart of any problem to reach for the solution.
Quartz Crystal Scepters are available as Madagascar Amethyst Quartz Scepters, Nevada Smokey/Amethyst Scepters and Brazilian Quartz Crystal Scepters with Feldspar encrustations.
Selenite, a form of gypsum, grows in striations of hydrous calcium sulfate. It is found as ice clear, fishtailed V’s and phantomed. It is kindred to humans in that we are both strongly composed of saline solution. Water, in its truest sense, alters the nature of physical matter. Stones and minerals with a high water composition hold the ability to alter physical matter and physical reality easily and permanently.
Selenite marries spirit and matter into a peaceable and unified field. Because of its striations, it will strengthen, energize and channel high frequency energy through the body of the crystal, effecting the Emotional Body of a person’s aura. This stabilizing affect will bring an erratic person to calmness and will awaken or replace those unstable feelings with true emotions. An excellent stone in past life trauma, Selenite aligns the Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Bodies, giving the recipient the ability to transmit the higher octave essences into human physical expression. Selenite attunes us with our own Christed Heart Consciousness. Just stroking a Selenite wand brings peaceful feelings and a sense of true well-being. Selenite is definitely a good stone to have in your healing pouch.
Please enjoy a meditation for turquoise
Serpentine grows in fibrous, plate-like layers, masses and occasionally crystallizations where the original hexagonal structure was replaced by serpintine. It is most usually seen in the green, white and sometimes lavender but also ranges in color of green-black, brown-red and brown-yellow. Often times Serpentine is exported and sold as “new jade” when in its translucent form.
Serpentine is a gentle and tender stone, beneficial for pains of the heart and of the emotions. Many times our wounds are so deep and painful that gentleness is much more effective than using a stone of power. How often do we still try to force our way with an outcome? or try to neglect our healing with the compassion we so dearly need? During this time of such great emotional upheaval and emotional sloughing, the use of Serpentine can be most helpful.
We have two beautiful varieties in the store right now. The first was newly discovered last year in Peru and has pyrite inclusions. Referred to as Dragonite. this form of Serpentine holds the harmonic vibrations Serpentine, pyrite and hematite. While Serpentine heals the emotions, pyrite provides a breakthrough of the emotions and a shield from many negative emotions and hematite balances and clears the mind for greater mental attunement. Quite a brilliant combination.
The second variety of Serpentine holds the usual light green with white and lavender inclusions. Just holding it eases emotional pain and confusion.
Serpentine also supports the balancing effects of other crystals. It is an old energy that has helped humanity for many cycles and it is particularly helpful while moving through transitions. While Serpentine holds the ideal on a vibrational level and assists us into our ideal patterning, it will clear the confusion resulting from trying to use higher energy to soon or in too great a quantity.
Originally discovered in the Shattuck mine in Bisbee, AZ, Shattuckite is a rather soft mineral [3.5] found in copper mines alongside Turquoise, Chrysocolla, Malachite, Ajoite and other copper based minerals. It grows in both fibrous and granular formation. It forms from light blue to deep blue shades.
It is a great stone for understanding and communicating with Spirit. It can be used to open one’s third eye and develop the psychic channel to hear one’s guides and teachers. It does not create the communication between the worlds rather it enhances and enlarges the communication channels that have previously been established. Used in a similar way as Lapis Lazuli, this stone develops the clarity of “hearing” into the other realms. And, as with Lapis, has the very profound ability to protect the seer during channeling. It acts as a shield for protection of the physical body from unwanted outside sources that might be lurking.
In its deep blue incarnation, Shattuckite also works well with Phenacite, Natrolite and Lazulite works well to enhance your intuitive nature and develop the third eye chakra.
In its lighter blue colors, Shattuckite works well with Blue Lace Agate, Larimar, and Chrysocolla to awaken and support the truthful nature of the throat chakra. It also supports you in seeing the truth of what is being said, both by you and other speakers before the words are spoken.
Shattuckite is also deeply developed as a protection against excessive radiation during radiation treatment and should be placed on the body after such treatments and can also be placed under medication during an undergoing process of western medical procedures.
An excellent ‘spring tonic,’ Shattuckite can be used as a rehabilitating general elixir.
Found in only one place near Lake Omega in the Shunga region of Karelia, North West Russia, the mineral Shungite is a semi-hard black amorphous coal like material composed of more than 95% carbon. Regarded as a “wonder stone” it is said to kill and absorb everything that does harm to people and to concentrate and restore everything that is useful.
Shungite receives its healing power from one of its elements, fullerenes – a globular hollow molecule consisting of several dozens of carbon atoms. When fullerenes, a special molecular formation, were discovered in Shungite a few decades ago, it became a sensation. Fullerenes, absorbed in our body, behaves as the most powerful and most long-acting antioxidant as a means to fight free radicals. Scientists who have investigated Shungite unanimously declared it is a miracle mineral. The discovery of the fullerene was a real breakthrough in nanotechnology and was declared a sensation of the 20th century. The scientists who have made it received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996.
Currently Shungite attracts many scientists, manufacturers and politicians as a promising material for solution of many complex environmental problems and improvement of the environment in the modern world. Today, doctors have great hopes for fullerenes.
Shungite exhibits unique shielding effects against harmful electromagnetic radiation of any origin such as computers, microwave ovens, TV sets, mobile phones, etc. Shungite shields against electromagnetic radiation of high and ultra high frequency. Shungite is a help for headaches, stomach pain, spots on skin, aches in a back and others. Shungite water helps ones who struggle with various illnesses, the general condition improves, nervous pressure is removed, and the inflow of energy is sensed. It is easier to obtain a steady remission of chronic diseases of gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and metabolic processes. Shungite pyramids are a shield for hazardous radiation. (Scientific investigation shows that pathogenic and electromagnetic radiation causes heart diseases and up to 60% of cancer diseases.) Also, substances from fullerenes can slow down the activity of the AIDS virus.
The unique healing properties of Shungite, and Shungite natural water sources, had no scientific explanation for a long time. But these properties were so evident that medicine has recognized the healing properties of Shungite water, even without finding out how exactly it works. You can place your Shungite crystals in 3 liters of water for 48 hours – only in a glass container [not plastic]. It is recommended to drink at least 2-3 glasses of Shungite water a day to cure or prevent digestive, muscular or neural system illnesses and to increase circulation of blood. The water will be cleared and will become biologically active. The Shungite stones can then be placed in sun light every month and replaced every 6 months. The stones can also be cleared and charged by putting them outside until they are dry and then placing them on Selenite every third or fourth use, to cleanse and recharge the Shungite.
In closing, Shungite is: a natural antioxidant that can increase human immunity with regards to many serious illnesses and suppress the development of many allergic diseases; an absorbent, purifying air and water from many organic and inorganic compounds and from excess of free radicals; a catalyst, which ensures decomposition of organic substances absorbed and restoration of the absorption properties; a carrier of wide range of micro-elements and biologically active substances, intensifying biological processes in the bodies of human beings and animals; a material, actively interacting with electromagnetic fields of different nature (anthropogenic high-frequency, solar, geopathogenic biofields) and neutralizing their negative impact.
It possesses: absorptive activity; the ability to absorb substances from the environment; bactericidal action; high level of adhesion, the ability to connect with any substance; anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic effects; radio shield properties; electro-conductivity; and the ability to absorb oxygen, and actively interact with it at the room temperature in water and in the air.
Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz is a light brown, to dark grayish-brown, to black quartz crystal. It is also called “smoky topaz” and “topaz quartz.” It is formed through an intense heat of 200-c and most often found in hydra-thermal veins within the Earth. Where clear quartz acts as a transmitter of energy, Smoky Quartz holds a great deal of energy and releasing power. It transmits this energy in a broader and heavier band than clear quartz. Smokey Quartz is capable of slowly and methodically moving through the sludge of life.
I consider Smokey Quartz to be an emotional roto-rooter as it assists in releasing old habits, patterns and beliefs. It is also helpful in releasing physical pain. By placing a clear quartz crystal, in a vertical position, over a painful spot and then placing 4-6 Smokey Quartz crystals, point outward from the clear quartz crystal, you will have a very effective crystal grid to help eliminate pain and discomfort.
Smokey Quartz can also assist in the elimination of negative patterns and help activate and dissolve burdensome issues. A simple meditation with Smokey Quartz will help in dissolving and eliminating the useless debris you think you may need someday.
Smokey Quartz is grounding and clearing for the first chakra. It can ground life force into the heart space and ground loving energy into the root chakra. All in all, if you are just starting a mineral collection, or a seasoned connoisseur, add Smokey Quartz to your collection as a staple for healing.
Spheres are the beginning of the universe. They are the starting point of all sacred geometry and the visica piscis. They are the most perfect of all shapes and through them, and around them, energy flows in a continuous and harmonious pattern. To hold any sphere is to place yourself into a harmonious fluent energy flow that allows a peaceful state of being. This experience is with yourself and with others.
What a perfect meditation tool! Find a quiet, peaceful atmosphere while holding a sphere and you can move deeply into a light to heavy trance state. By meditating on the mineral content and color of your sphere you can move deeply into the mineral kingdom and the gifts of mineral sphere itself. As each mineral has its own message, so each mineral sphere will ease, soothe or energize accordingly. A lapis lazuli sphere eases eye strain after 5-10 minutes of gentle gazing. A rose quartz sphere will circulate a loving energy into your hand (hold in the left hand) and through your body. A citrine sphere helps center the mind and calm your thoughts (great for beginning meditators).
A clear Crystal Sphere, or Crystal Ball, as they are more commonly called, is the traditional scrying tool of mystics and psychics through the centuries. The technique is both easy in theory and more difficult in practice. While holding your Crystal Ball, center yourself to the weight, the feel, the energy emanating from the ball. While looking directly into the ball, soften your gaze and continue looking even deeper inside, you may begin seeing images or pictures within. There are many different ways to use your Crystal Ball as a scrying tool, this is merely one way to start the process.
While history regarding crystal balls used for divination emerge around 1000 B.C., crystals and Crystal Balls have been used for healing, diagnosing the source of illness, and foretelling the future and soul travel through-out North, Central and South American shamanism and Australian and New Zealand natives for much longer. Ancient native cultures commonly used polished crystals for healing and divining the future. Early Celtic priests and priestesses, midwives and healers used polished crystals for scrying.
In the same family as Apophyllite, and usually growing together, Stilbite has a different crystal formation. It is found as tabular pink crystals, often double terminating in a “bow” or fan shape. It¹s colors range from pale pink to a salmon pink and white, yellow, orange, red and brown.
Stilbite also has an almost identical energy for astral travel, visualization, soul retrieval or shamanic journeying. The difference is that Stilbite’s energy acts both as a protector while journeying and a rocket type boost into and through the tunnel or path you are intending. With this mineral there is also a grounding effect that protects the silver cord, and provides a subtle feeling of knowingness that you won¹t get lost in some other vibration, time or space. Stilbite, like Apophyllite, is also excellent for clearing the energy of other crystals.
In addition to these higher energies, Stilbite exhibits the love energy of Rose Quartz and can be exceptionally useful for counselors and intuitive readers while dealing with relationship questions. The Stilbite piece can be place between you and your client or either, or both, of you may hold a piece during a session. The energy, while high(er) powered, is incredibly gentle and compassionate. This mineral will also imply a loving energy into any of your creative endeavors as well.
Stilbite’s healing energies are quite different from Apophyllite. It can be used for improved circulation, for rebuilding the immune system, for increasing oxygenation, strengthening the heart and enhancing red blood cell production (with this in mind it is a useful mineral for working with leukemia patients). Stilbite can also be useful for stress release and as an aid to discipline. It is especially encouraging for people with weight control problems or any addictions to work with Stilbite. And lastly, Stilbite can be useful for reaching into past lives… particularly Atlantean.
Sugilite (Luvulite)
A bringer of Divine Love, this stone encourages compassion for all sentient beings. Because it is not connected to the old levels of karmic connection, it will help you to see how you no longer need to use old patterns of familial or societal misconceptions.
Sugalite is a powerful activator of our transformational process and will energize those energies you may be having difficulty with releasing. Even though it carries a high vibrational pattern, it still acknowledges the grounding physicality of life on planet Earth. It can help your subconscious mind in using the new vibrational energies in practical, useful, rational ways.
Not one to hold on the ceremonies of crystal healings remembered from past lives, Sugalite will help you embrace the newer patterns fluctuating on the planet and so natural to younger planetary healers and visionaries. This stone helps open the heart-mind connections for clearer visions of the new age to come.
Sugalite can be used with Aquamarine to raise your level of heart opening awareness for greater integration of Sugalite’s own light flow. Lapis expands Sugalite’s multidimensionality in the physical realm by helping expand your perspective of physical existence. And used with Gold, Sugalite will be enhanced on the emotional level of accepting the Divine balance of “what is”.
Sunstone (a form of Labradorite)
Tangerine Quartz
Tangerine Quartz is quartz crystal with iron phantoms, inclusions or encrustations. It is currently being mined in Brazil, however some specimens have also been found in Madagascar. Currently these specimens are unpolished and greatly unappreciated since they have only recently surfaced.
Tangerine Quartz balances the heart, both physically and emotionally. When used in meditation of the Heart Chakra, or worn at the Heart Chakra, it will give a sense of relief and expansiveness from the limitations of fear and lack. When placing Tangerine Quartz over the heart, it gives one a sense of warmth and welcome. When shared with another person, or animal, it can clear the relationship of limitations and bring a more enlightened perspective to stagnant conditions.
Because of its orange color range, it is also successful in stimulating the second chakra for greater clarity of emotions and increased sexuality. Tangerine Quartz can help align the inner and outer worlds, or the physical body with the auric bodies, helping to ground the Higher Self into the Third and Fourth Dimensions.
We have been extremely blessed with the surfacing of beautiful quartz crystal points from the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet. These crystals are unique and always one-of-a-kind.
Tibetan Quartz is one of the specialist minerals available to us at this time of our spiritual development. They hold the secrets of the GodHead, Universal Memory, and they bring higher knowledge and information regarding healing and spirituality.
Different and unique from Brazilian and Arkansas quartz, Tibetan Quartz measures at 720 Angstrom units and contains a very powerful “OM” vibration. Even though they vibrate at a higher frequency, they emit a softer, gentler vibration than other quartz. Kirlian photography shows that, when cleansed, these crystals can emanate the total color spectrum, and can be applied to all energy medians for stimulation and cleansing and used for the healing of all chakra centers. And, because it holds remarkable memory patterns that are available to anyone patient enough to listen, meditation and dreamtime work is enhanced. Tibetan Quartz is an excellent crystal to use as a personal hand held piece during meditation or worn as a supportive crystal ally. Wearing a Tibetan Quartz Crystal can induce a total centering of the self and, when seriously meditated upon, it will open the sixth and seventh chakras to produce an energy conducive to channeling. They can also be used to facilitate fasting and abstinence.
Most of the Tibetan Quartz available through The Crystal Matrix are phantomed with carbon crystals, and many are also hydrous with small pockets of water and air bubbles. We haven’t seen anything like these for quite a while. Also available are Master Crystals with the configurations of Double Terminated crystals, Channeling crystals and Dow crystals.
Tourmalinated Quartz
Tourmalinated Quartz is a multi-faceted stone that carries the dual energy of both the quartz and the tourmaline growing within it. As a rule, the term “Tourmalinated Quartz” refers exclusively to quartz crystal embedded with Black Tourmaline [Shorl].
The significance of the combination is that they harmoniously enhance and strengthen each other’s healing properties. Quartz, one of Earths most common minerals, is the great amplifier and director of the mineral kingdom. Quartz, with its piezoelectricity, is easily programmable and one of the best minerals to have in a healer’s collection to direct healing energy and move through any dis-ease blocks. Black Tourmaline deflects negativity, both yours and anyone in your area. When found together, you have a powerful purifying mineral that can effect the environment. A Shorl Tourmalinated Quartz can help neutralize high levels of radiation or electromagnetic energy [radio waves, microwaves, and cell phone masts] that may cause stress to your body or the body’s systems. It is best to keep one of these crystals by your computer or atop a television to neutralize unwanted electromagnetic waves.
Tourmaline embedded in Quartz is also found with Green Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline [Rubelite] and even Watermelon Tourmaline. Most tourmalines commonly grow in the same pockets, or caves, as quartz so it’s not that rare to find them growing in each other.
Green Tourmaline connects you to physical life. It benefits all things that live and grow, including the heart and the heart chakra. Keeping Green Tourmalinated Quartz near a plant, in your garden or your home, will enhance the plants regenerative properties. Keeping Green Tourmalinated Quartz near your body can harmonize and stabilize the physical heart. Holding one of these minerals can ease tension and assist you in meditation, which is always beneficial to any stressful situation. Green Tourmaline tends to hold a more yang, or masculine energy, while Pink Tourmalinated Quartz tends to hold a more yin, or feminine energy. Watermelon Tourmalinated Quartz holds both the yin and yang energies and brings a sense of wholeness to this healing process.
Remember, all tourmalines have their own special healing properties and placed in quartz, you are able to program these properties for what you desire from your mineral helpers.
Turquoise is a light blue to sky blue to medium green stone found in copper and silver mines. It is a hydrated copper aluminum phosphate and grows as microcrystalline masses or nodules, with a hardness of 5 to 6. Its color changes depending on the amount of copper or zinc growing with the turquoise. It is not considered a ‘New Age’ stone, but resonates with the older earth energies and that of Atlantis. When it appears on your dreams, it symbolizes a connection to the memories of Atlantis and Lemuria. Its history follows the transformation of the earth itself. Known in the Native American culture as the Sky Stone, it is seen as a gift from the earth, and a reflection of uniting the Great Spirit and Mother Earth.
Its energies bring a sense of peace, transforming negative vibrations of fear and exclusion of the light into the understanding of the rightness of your world and its inclusionary properties. Turquoise has a calming and stabilizing affect on the emotions; it helps your mind to remember what it has forgotten from the past. It can help you to resolve and realign any misuse of knowledge or power that may have been abused in the past.
It is an absorptive stone and can be used to help release toxic heavy metal accumulation, and to draw out radioactivity in the body. It is also associated with all the chakras, but mainly the throat (5th) the heart (4th) and naval (2nd). It is especially helpful for any chakras damaged in the past by misuse of power; and can be used on the chakras, meridians, and in the subtle energy body.
Because it can attune the physical body, it is powerful in maintaining the connection between the upper and lower realms during deep meditation, astral travel and vision quests. It literally helps you helps you to stay grounded during spiritual work.
Some of the traditional sources state: