Join together in compassion and place yourself in the front lines of life. This is our ongoing message. Step up. Step out. Step forward. Allow yourself to be seen as who you truly are. There is no other way to live your life other than as wholly authentic. Many of you feel that you are already doing this. Perhaps. But what of the times you neglect yourself, or neglect being in the truth? Is not healing yourself the true example of love and compassion?
You are the planets keeper, and she is a reflection of who you are. Look then towards the planet and see what is occurring within her. What do you see? Do you see care? Do you see compassion? Do you see nurturing? Or, do you see greed and abandonment of all that comprises the planetary makeup?
Are the waters safe for drinking? Are the oceans supporting life or are the creatures within the ocean abandoning their homes? Are the plants thriving or are they sickening? Is the air fresh and life giving? These are all questions that should be asked, and as you ask them notice how the answers reflect the treatment to your own psyche, your own spirit, your own body. The answers then are merely reflective, one on the other.
The waters of your planet reflect your blood. The land itself is your body. The air is the very breath within you. In the same way we have spoken that you are a reflection of your fellow humans, you are also the reflection of your planet. Can you see this?
There is a true planetary evolution that is occurring and you are a part of this process. The struggle or the ease with which you experience the evolution is clearly dependent upon your own consciousness.
This is the home you have chosen in this moment. In the same way the planet is your home, so too is your body. So we ask again, what are you nurturing? Consciousness or unconsciousness? Health or illness? Anger or compassion? All these questions you have been asked before, yet still you question the outcome of what is occurring around you. Do not question the outcome, do not question spirit, yet instead question yourself. The answers to all your questions are written in your ideas, your focus, your desires, your care for self and your care for others.
The planet is able to sustain herself for many generations, eons in fact. But, with your help, or your neglect, she will either succeed in this evolution or parish. So we ask again, where is your focus? Care for yourself and you will automatically consider the needs of others. Care for yourself and you will automatically care for the needs of the planet.
Our message is simple today and yet we wonder if you can hear us.
Blessings In Light,
Lord Melchizedek