You may raise the planet’s vibration by raising your own vibration. What is vibration? It is the electro-magnetic frequency that inherently speaks to all other vibrational beings… the trees, the animals, the birds, the water, the rocks and earth, the wind, other human beings and the spirit world. It is through this vibration that innate communication occurs. This communication occurs without your conscious effort or manipulations. With this communication, you are able to manifest or block every other vibration that comes to you or from you. What you unconsciously think, so it is. This is much more powerful than your conscious thoughts and actions. Because this is true, what you are unaware of is more powerful that what you ‘think’ is occurring or manifesting.
How then can you raise your own personal vibration? You must clear the beliefs that hold you back from the possibilities of becoming your Truth. You can accomplish this by opening your heart to the direction of Divine thought and purpose — for yourself and for humanity. As we have indicated before, all judgment must be eliminated from your thoughts… judgment of the Self, judgment of others, judgment of ideas and judgment of ultimate possibility. What you can think or conceive can, and will be manifested. When you constantly think of harmful actions, negativity or destruction, it will become your reality reflected back towards you. If you think of positive actions, hope and love that too will become the reality of your life.
How can you then raise the planetary vibration? You must focus your intent toward the hopefulness and positive possibilities of the planet and those beings who have incarnated at this time. When you hold peace within you, without justification or qualification, that peace will multiply outward into the group conscious. When you hold love within you, that love will also multiply outward into the group conscious. As you join together with other like-minded souls to focus your attention to these higher thoughts, possibilities and ideals, you will be raising the planetary vibrations. The more often you focus these beliefs, the more frequently they will be spread throughout your world. Join together. Become one in your thoughts and purpose. Multiply your love.
We love you, St. Germaine, Master Ti-Emein, and the Christed Healing Council