Nothing dies. This is a difficult concept for you who are enmeshed in Third Dimensional reality. And yet, if you but look around your planet, you will witness that transformations are occurring constantly. The butterfly lives because its life has transpired from the “death” of the caterpillar. The seed appears inanimate and yet it transforms within the darkness of the earth to form roots, stem, in the sharing of its life. Then it changes form, again. to become the compost for next sessions plants and flowers.
The stream does not stay the same. It erodes the rock and moves through what appears solid to create a larger pathway into the river and the river creates a larger pathway into the sea. Yet it does not die. It changes its form and the form of its surroundings creating new life as it goes.
So it is with you. You never die. You are the most glorious of all the creations because you can take so many forms and transformations. You as a child did not die to become a teenager, and your teenager did not die to become an adult. But you did change while taking the best of your former self with you into your new transformation.
When your lessons are complete in this transformation you will take the best of what you are and become another form, another incarnation, leaving the old form behind because it no longer serves your new purpose or concept. Be free inside yourself, change often and well and be of joy.
May You Walk Your Life in Peace,
Master Ti-emein and the Healing Council
In Loving Memory of Jennifer Kay