Soothing energy; improves vitality and self-esteem. Good for grounding. Associated with the first chakra.
Ajoite is an exceedingly rare secondary mineral formation growing in quartz from Messina, South Africa. It appears as beautiful turquoise colored inclusions in crystals and rough quartz which amplifies the uplifting energy of the Ajoite. This mineral brings a sense of peace within and energizes and activates the Higher Heart Chakra. Activating the Higher Heart enables the other chakras to open to what is needed, but not necessarily to what you think you want.
This stone radiates a pure love, and surrounds you with a feeling of unconditional support and loving guidance. It can teach you to live this unconditional love, and lead you to an understanding of the Divine and the connectedness of all beings. It also eliminates negative thoughts and feelings. Ajoite helps souls to recognize and rejoin others on Earth with whom they bonded in the past and planned to find in another incarnation. It also helps those on earth find guides in the spirit world.
Ajoite joins the Throat chakra to the Heart chakra, enabling one to be comfortable speaking one’s own emotional truth which will lead one to be at peace in one’s life. Using an Ajoite in quartz crystal in meditation and dream work will assist you in communication with your Higher Power and other spiritual souls along your path. It can also help in drawing out negative energy from the body and then fill the cleared, or empty, space with love. Use your Ajoite to maintain and revitalize your total well being with joy and love. Use it to help the realization of your dreams. Bring a piece of the Divine into your life when you bring an Ajoite crystal home.
Amazonite, a type of feldspar, is a wonderful Spring-time mineral in that it assists you in releasing what is old in your life. Meditating, sleeping and carrying this mineral will support all the “letting go” you are ready to create this season. Most commonly found in a deep turquoise color Amazonite soothes the emotions by releasing aggravation, sensitivity and any anger over not being who, where or what you want to be in life. In this way it helps release negative energy you may be holding about what seems out ofyour control in your life.
Amazonite is especially supportive and healing for the Heart Chakra and the Higher Heart Chakra. It can support the remembrance of your spiritual design, or plan, before birth; restrengthening your contract and relationship with the God-Head.
The actual prismic structure of Amazonite promotes the alignment of the physical world of chaos and duality and the astral world of spiritual dimensions -the physical bodies and the astral bodies. This beautiful mineral moves you into an energy of remembered perfection helping you to be an example of that perfection for all you meet.
Because of its ability to overcome duality and find peace with different realities, Amazonite is an excellent stone to use during past life recall by helping the body and the mind to adapt to critical points or concepts that you are resisting as possibility. In past life work, Amazonite should be used sparingly and can also be used as an elixir and during sleep for dream work release.
Our next supply of Amazonite is from a recently closed mine {from} Minas Garais, Brazil and grows with Quartz Crystal encrustations and Black Tourmaline encrustations. These additional mineral formations place the mineral in what is called Crystal Harmonics, adding focus and release, enhancement and harmony into an already full mineral pallet.
Amber is not a rock, but a fossilized resin usually in hues of golden to yellow brown. It has been found in natural hues of green, red and blue. Developing in four colors, and two hues of yellow, Amber can be used on several chakras.
Amber shows strong healing abilities by assisting the body in self healing. It has a long history of absorbing and transmuting negative energy. Rather than deflecting the negative energy of either the wearer or someone in the wearers vicinity, Amber literally absorbs these energies, taking the negativity into itself and transmuting it into positive energy. The best way to clean Amber under these circumstances is to sit it in a full sun to moon to sun cycle, or outside for 24-48 hours in pure, unfiltered sunlight. It can also be smudged with sage smoke.
Its resin nature reflects the flow of life. Showing us how to move through life rather than getting caught in societal beliefs or distractions that arise. Ambers nature is to not harden but to stay fluid as life moves around it, only taking form after reflecting its surroundings.
Golden Amber stimulates the pineal gland and the crown chakra. It encourages intellectual consciousness of the third chakra. Working with both these chakras, Amber supports creating universal abundance.
Green Amber stimulates healing at the fourth chakra. It supports the heart and the flow of blood through the arteries and veins of the blood system.
Red Amber is excellent at the first chakra to keep pranic energy moving. Use it for kidney stones and bladder infections. It is a good stone to use while undertaking a body detox.
Blue Amber, which is very rare, can be used at the fifth chakra or sixth chakra. If using it at the sixth chakra, place it directly on the third eye to release any blocks you might have to intuitive work, such as clairvoyance or channeling. When placed at the fifth chakra, it can help you speak with more fluidity and confidence.
Blue Amber can also have a stimulating affect when it shows internal redness. This means that on the surface the mineral will appear blue, but will be seen as deep red when looking through its center. The blue and red together emit a purple ray that can unit the first and seventh chakras to unite the entire chakra system.
We are very fortunate to have found some of this Blue Amber on a recent trip to Tucson. Take advantage of this rare find and come in during April to try some of this beautiful Amber.
Copal, many times referred to as Amber, is a “younger Amber” and not yet fossilized. It is less expensive than natural Baltic or African Ambers but will still have the same attributes as golden Amber. Amber begins as copal, but losses its organic compounds through extreme heat and pressure, thus creating a more stable mineral.
Amethyst with its pale violet to deep purple coloring reminds us of royalty and the Divine. Historically called the Bishop’s Stone, it has a rich and ancient history dating back to the Israelites and the holy Breast Plate of Aaron. Its purple color is associated with St. Germaine and the Archangel Zadkiel. Both keepers of the Divine Path of service and humility.
Each continent of the world produces its own unique form of Amethyst. Brazilian Amethyst is the most commonly known and most frequently sold; it grows in a medium to dark purple coloration that carries a high frequency suitable for meditation, and for relieving a nervous stomach or indigestion.
Vera Cruz Amethyst grows in a pale lavender, to occasional medium purple phantoms. It has frequent double terminations and the crystal grows with six uniform sides rather than the more common alternating large-small, large-small, large-small sided variation (looking much like the root of a tooth. Vera Cruz Amethyst holds a gentle and quiet vibration that’s perfect for aiding your sleep patterns, for relaxing after a stressful day or soothing a headache.
Newly Found in Madagascar are the Candle Amethyst, or Pine Cone Amethyst, formations. I’ve found these to be a great aid in stabilizing astral travel and for higher dimensional work during channeling.
Amethyst Clusters, when placed in the center of the home, bring a strong sense of relaxation and groundedness to the environment. Animals love these stones and calm down within 24 hours after they are placed in the home.
Canadian Amethyst, with hematite and smokey quartz inclusions, is another wonderful grounding Amethyst for grounding the Purple Ray into your work space or home. Come by the Center to try out any of these choices from the Amethyst family.
No matter which variety of Amethyst you are drawn to, it will remind you to listen to the still small voice within. It asks you to release old beliefs and patterns that you may open the pathways of possibility and Divine Truths.
Spirit Amethyst
Spirit Amethyst, often referred to as Spirit Quartz, is a powerful Crown Chakra stone that encourages inner peace. You can recognize Spirit Quartz as a complete quartz crystal entirely surrounded by multiple, tiny, crystalline encrustations. Spirit Amethyst is an entire crystal surround by tiny amethyst crystals. Its formation is similar to Candle Quartz, another excellent crystal for meditation and introspection.
Spirit Amethyst instantly transforms any negative energy into positive energy. While this stone thoroughly cleanses and energizes the aura, it can also be used to cleanse and charge an individual chakra. I often use one of these crystals in a crystal healing session to energize stagnate areas in the body, the successful results are instantaneous.
Spirit Quartz can also contain the additional mineral of Rhodizite, giving the outer encrusting crystals a yellowish appearance. The addition of Rhodizite seems to give Spirit Amethyst a higher focus and frequency, which enhances it’s energy to the Crown Chakra with little effort.
These crystals are found as either individual hand held points or in clusters. The clusters are very energized and extremely happy.
Crowned Amethyst
Crowned Amethyst is found in Eastern Canada along side amethyst and hematite. It is a banded amethyst point with broad strips of smoky quartz and amethyst with a powerful crowning of hematite inclusions and amethyst at the termination. Usually the crystal is found with multiple terminations.
Crowned Amethyst can be used as a grounding stone along with dark purple amethyst for an inclusive experience. It can also be used to release ancient emotional and spiritual holdings from the etheric and the physical bodies.
This stone will ground you into a deeper understanding of what you need to release to have a deeper experience on your Earth Walk. Dreaming with it to release held-onto history will be a benefit. Use a Crowned Amethyst at your feet or hips with a dark purple amethyst as your crown or held in your hands. It is a wonderful way to finally release your fears and night terrors. However you decide to use this crystal, it will be well worth your efforts.
Angelite is a light blue stone discovered in Peru during the harmonic convergence [1987], but it is also found in Great Britain, Germany, Egypt, Mexico, Poland and Libya. Forming in nodules and masses it is a symbol of the love and light being communicated in the universe today. It promotes peace in the world and creates unity with celestial life. Angelite gemstone is actually formed from compressed Celestite over many millions of years. Angelite, also referred to as Blue Anhydrite, is a pale lilac-blue stone with a Mohs Hardness of 3.5 with an orthorhombic crystal structure. The name ‘anhydrite’ comes from the Greek phrase ‘an hydro’ means without water. Its hardness of 3.5 makes it a soft mineral that converts into Gypsum if immersed in water [you will see a fine white powder on the outside of your stone after immersion].
Just holding a slice of Angelite will naturally bring relaxation and a sense of peacefulness. This stone creates awareness and promotes compassion and understanding. Wearing or carrying a piece of Angelite will hold you in a state of peace and love. To be in its presence is like washing yourself in a bath of tranquility. It brings serenity, inner peace and a sense of calm and it dispels anger, fear, aggression and stress, and encourages forgiveness. Angelite connects you to your Light Body and facilitates psychic healings and links the physical body with the ethereal energy field. And it is helpful in telepathic communication and communication with angels.
Angelite also helps in self-expression and communication. You can also use Angelite to unblock energy pathways. I have used it successfully for easing pain from any injury, and you can place a slice of Angelite over a broken bone to accelerate bone healing. It is also believed to be a good stone for meditation purpose. It can be used for treating thyroid, headache, throat inflammations, weight control and to alleviate the pain of stomach ulcers and sunburn. Its elixir is used for afflictions like sore throat, tonsillitis, and laryngitis and also to alleviate symptoms of heart disease.
The best way for cleaning the stone is by wiping it with a slightly damp, soft cloth or a very soft jewelry cloth as it can be scratched easily. And you can also place it on its counterpart, Selenite, to clear it after a healing treatment.
Used to stimulate psychic abilities; also stimulates the intellect and enhances creativity. Can be used for hunger supression. Connected to the stomach, pineal gland and throat, or the second, fifth and sixth chakras.
Apophyllite enables the light-body in holding more resonance in the physical. A great stone for the current changes we are experiencing, Apophyllite creates a positive atmosphere while in a negative environment or situation. It reminds us that there is no place for fear or negativity when we are surrounded by light and angelic helpers.
This stone creates a conscious connection between the physical and the spiritual realms. And, it can open up your awareness to higher dimensional life forms, that we are more frequently working with. Apophyllite opens your abilities to see the universal love in all situations, with all beings.
An aid to astral travel, Apophyllite provides a clear remembrance to the physical form, providing you with a strong connection to self during travel. This connection allows you to hold the memory of what you learned while traveling so that you can bring the what you learned back to you in a practical and useful way.
Apophyllite also creates a strong experience of self reflection so that you may recognize your own behavior with others and to correct any deficiencies or lack in personality. Use an Apophyllite pyramid on the Third Eye to enhance and stimulate your intuitive visions. Try gazing through the bottom of a pyramid to find a “star-gate” when you choose to astral travel.
As an elixir, this mineral helps relieve symptoms of asthma or emphysema. It is healing and strengthening for the lungs. You can place a grid of Apophyllite in the four corners of your room to also ease asthma. Placing a grid of four pyramids in your room will also enhance your dreamwork and raise the vibration for of any location.
“Courage Stone.” Helps impeccability while assimilating reality’s pros and cons. Provides auric shielding and protection. A symbol of happiness, moderation and self-control. Relieves dependence on drugs; dispels negativity; helps heal the effects of degenerative diseases; reduces stress and fear; quiets the mind. Helps achieve closure on all levels. Works on the eyes, thyroid, glands, kidneys, jaw, spleen, stomach, teeth. Good for strengthening the organs, hypoglycemia, laryngitis, sore throats, and skin problems. Associated with the fifth chakra.
Aragonite is a calcium carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3.5-4 on the mohs scale. It is found in colors including white, grey, reddish, yellow-green and blue. The most popular varieties are red and blue. It grows prismatic crystals, concretions, stalactitic masses, and forms the skeleton of a number of marine organisms, living and fossilized. The most common in metaphysics are the polished concretions, the reddish Aragonite Star Cluster (Morocco) and Blue Aragonite (China).
Aragonite heals and balances the root chakra and helps both physical and emotional flow. This is an excellent stone to calm and direct erratic physical energy, such as can be found with hyperactivity and prematurely (or unprepared) aroused kundalini energy.
Aragonite reaches deeper into the physical vibration than calcite. And because it can balance the electrical flow of the pineal and pituitary glands, it can help discharge unconscious overlays being held from past life emotional traumas. Aragonite can also be used during meditation to open inner visions of forgotten past lives. Star Clusters can be used to research past lives and discover what lessons need to be addressed in this life. Here is a stone that can be used on both spectrums of the chakra system with ease.
Aragonite has the same electrical properties of Calcite, but has deeper vibrational level of physicality. It helps nourish the adrenal and pituitary glands with electrical flow for ideal balance and function.
Carrying or wearing an Aragonite Star Cluster can enhance emotional strength and confidence. If you choose to wear your Aragonite, it will appreciate being cleaned frequently with sage smoke (weekly smudging) or placing it on a Selenite log nightly. You can place an Aragonite cluster over each chakra, in place of clear Quartz Cluster, to re-balance the chakras and release blockages that do occur.
Blue Aragonite can relieve the suppression of lost emotions and the stagnant emotional state they create. Blue Aragonite encourages you to embrace all that life has to offer and see the beauty rather than the tragedy, the grace rather than the trials. Here is a stone that understands that life is not about whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, but rather the gratitude that comes from acknowledging that there is a glass to decide upon.
*Aragonite is one of the few stones useful if ingested in concentrations greater than those found in an elixir. Soak a piece of Aragonite in a glass of water with one teaspoon of vinegar for about 24 hours. Drink approximately one ounce every four hours. (This is an excellent formula for over extended adrenals or over stimulated kundalini energies.)
As a regular elixir, it helps restore the base chakras ability to make secure connection into Earth’s creative energy. [*Thanks to Dorothy Roeder, “Crystal Co-Creators”)
Aventurine is a dark green to light green mineral with sparkling inclusions of a secondary mineral known as fushite. When displaying a reddish-brown hue, the stone can have inclusions of hematite. It reminds us of springtime and abundance, regeneration and growth.
Aventurine is one of the best stones to use for any ailment, or for the rebuilding of the physical body. It can be used to repair muscles, tissue and nerves. You can use Aventurine to cool inflammations, sunburns, burns, infections, bites or fevers. This stone is very useful after oral surgery used in conjunction with blue lace agate. (You can even cool your stones in the refrigerator for an even greater cooling affect.) Alternate the Blue Lace Agate with your Aventurine… one to cool and one to begin the healing. This technique can also be used after any physical trauma or surgery. Aventurine is an harmonic mineral (see Nov. 1998), a mineral comprised of more than two separate minerals creating a harmonious frequency unavailable with only one of the minerals. Not only does Aventurine illicit the previously mentioned healing properties, but it also comprises the attributes or characteristics of all the additional minerals composing its structure.
Aventurine gets its green coloration from Fushite, a chrome mica mineral. The mica flake inclusions also produce the silver or golden sheen seen in Aventurine. Energetically, Fushite also adds an elimination of servitude and the ability to be self reflective in recognizing personal flaws.
The next two minerals in Aventurine create its reddish to reddish-brown inclusions. These are formed by one of two, and sometimes both, separate minerals. Firstly, Hematite, and it is used for a variety of grounding purposes as well as stimulating mental processes and to help you in realizing that you are the only person that places limitations on yourself. Secondly, Geothite, another good mineral for mental processes, helps you enjoy life more and can intensify your concentration.
Wherever it is placed, or however it is used, Aventurine will bring balance and well being to the physical body and can also add clarity of mind. If you do not have Aventurine in your mojo bag or just carried in your purse or pocket…it might be time.
White and Pink Aventurine are variations of this wonderful stone.
As with all silica oxide based minerals, quartz is the base with these two stones and acts as the stabilizing force for the vibrational make-up of the stones themselves. The quartz in both White Aventurine and Pink Aventurine acts as the source for amplifying, focusing, storing, transferring and transforming of energy – mental (thought), physical (bodily) or emotional(feelings)- or a combination of any of the three. It also acts as a bridge or connection between the physical/body and the mental/mind. Because it is a conduit for thought, it also acts as both a sending force and an receiving force of the other minerals within the stone.
White Aventurine’s reflective qualities are seen with the mica inclusions in quartz and can help you to see the individual soul of each person – friend or foe – seeing them with the eyes of your Christ-Self rather than through eyes of ego, fear or judgment. Because mica grows like the plates of the earth, it can be used to create grids for earth stabilization -and to create stabilization in areas of your life where relationships or a life focus is unstable. Creating a grid of White Aventurine and Pink Aventurine around photos of warring loved ones (even yourself & another) can aid the healing process, relieve internal stresses and create a bridge of harmony and love. Here, the quartz amplifies the intent, the mica stabilizes and the hematite grounds your focus…a very nice harmonic combination.
Pink Aventurine is additionally assisted by mineral hematite and can help you realize that you are the only person placing limitations on yourself. Here, Pink Aventurine focuses both your energy and emotions to bring loving balance between the physical, emotional and mental self. Pink Aventurine can focus dissolution of negativity and create a more loving atmosphere or space. And, with bringing a more present concentration of all your intents, whenever you’re grounded, you’re more present!
Blends the flow between the heart and third eye; opens the heart to higher rays and stabilizes the increased electrical flow associated with that; raises consciousness; clears and stimulates the mind, stimulates clairvoyance; urges the soul to enlightenment. Use with aqua aura, herkimer diamonds and moldavite to anchor yourself. As an elixir, it assists in the assimilation of trace elements. Good for treating thyroid problems, throat and joint issues, and the skin. Associated with the fifth and sixth chakras.
An intense healing stone. Good for heart problems; cleanses blood; increases courage. Heals anemia; soothes menstrual pain; works on blood, eyes, heart, kidneys, liver, liver, lungs, and skin. Associated with the first, second and fourth chakras.
Black Aegirine
Black Aegirine, a sodium iron silicate, is found in Greenland, Russia, Canada, So. Africa and the US. It is a sodium iron silicate mineral with a hardness of 6 on the Mohs hardness scale. Found in its green state, it is called Acmite, but is rarer than the more common black form. Black Aegirine is found growing in the stones Nuumite (Greenland) and Charoite (Russia).
This is probably the best mineral for removing negative energy from the physical body and for removing stuck energy from the subtle bodies of the aura. It activates a positive flow and is an excellent protection crystal to carry or wear. One of its stronger messages is to not fear the darkness or negativity, but to let your inner light shine with confidence and courage.
Few stones can carry their weight when removing entities from the aura, but Aegirine is the tool you should reach for whenever doing work of this nature. We can all become vulnerable to imbalance or negativity when we experience fear or anger… Both powerful emotions that compromise the aura and our energy. Once succumbing to these emotions, we open ourselves up to auric holes and energy vampires. Working with Aegirine in a crystal layout will gradually regenerate a damaged auric field.
Used in conjunction with Moldavite, Aegirine has enhanced powers of ridding the aura of negative energy. If you are fond of black tourmaline for deflecting negative energy, you will enjoy the added qualities of Black Aegirine. This stone doesn’t deflect the negativity, it clears it from the body, the subtle auric bodies and creates a protective shield around you.
Blue Lace Agate (also known as Blue Chalcedony)
Soothing, cooling, peaceful; aids in communication, both speaking and listening; gives voice to your personal power (especially in conjunction with carnelian) and assists in creativty of all types; strengthens the throat chakra and cools an overstimulated third eye; calls in the sacred feminine. Works on the throat, thyroid, parathyroid, mouth, esophagus, ears, and shoulders. Associated with the second and fifth chakras.
Blue Opal
Peruvian in origin. Stimulates communication and help voicing thoughts more clearly; gives courage and supports the freedom of speaking your truth; enhances visionary abilities. Works on the throat, thyroid, and parathyroid. Associated with the fifth chakra.
Boji Stones
Also known as “Kansas Pop Rocks.” Best used in pairs. Supportive and directional for shamanic time travel, meditation, and dimensional transmitting; balancing; calming; integrating; grounding; brings you present into the here-and-now; stimulates the flow of energy through the meridians; balances the chakras. They are pet-like inthat the more you use and love them, the more they will love and serve you. Use with herkimer diamonds to balance all 12 chakras.
Helps align the Divine blueprint at all levels; opens new energy pathways in the brain and heart chakra; integrates your entire system; helps you feel joyous, light and at peace; stimulates creativity; helps relieve compulsive behavior and emotional stress. As an elixir, it enhances, strengthens, and electrifies the skeletal system. Use for chakras by color.
The great emotional harmonizer. Re-balances the emotions; promotes courage; releases sorrow and fear; improves memory; strengthens confidence and personal voice; protects against psychic attack. Works on allergies, anger, apathy, depression, fatigue, kidneys, lower back, menstrual pain, ovaries, spleen. Associated with eh second and sixth chakras.
Celestite ranges in color from a beautiful light blue, to white, with some yellow and orange overtones. The most beautiful Celestite comes from Madagascar. Celestite represents the emergence of a new kind of spiritual strength. This clear stone is best used for spiritual transformation…you can work with it to access your shamanic warrior and for becoming the spiritual knower.
Where the shamanic warrior forges ahead diligently seeking their path by exploring, testing and challenging the alternatives of the world around them, the spiritual knower accepts all the paradoxes – light & dark – good and bad. They gain strength in the constant balancing of the whole – of who they have become and in the evolution of humanity.
Celestite supports the Higher Heart’s position for compassion and equanimity. From this sacred place, we are able to see the world through clearer eyes and a more vulnerable experience. We may try denying our vulnerability due to old fears of being hurt or rejected, denied or abandoned. With Celestite’s help, we can lift out of the lower consciousness of ego and fear to the higher concept of love and wholeness. Celestite brings us to the spiritual precipice of The Fool in the Tarot. The Fool’s position of walking off the edge of the world is two-fold: one, it is the position of total innocence, and two, it reminds us that in innocence we are fully protected and embraced when we place our hand in that of the God-Head… we can do anything with trust. Bring Celestite into your world today and be supported by the angels and spirit helpers.
Used at night for sleeping, Celestite is wonderful for astral travel, bringing inner peace, and to enhance dream recall. It is also excellent placed at the Throat Chakra for clarity in communication. It can be used for perfecting all the chakras and for bringing equilibrium to the etheric and auric realms while in the physical. Most often found in geode form, you can place a chosen piece at your workspace to uplift your spirits and help your communicative skills at work or at home. Celestite is the main component of Angelite, and Anhydrite, and as the flower shapes in Chinese Chrysanthemum Stones.
Charoite is a purple stone ranging in colors from deep lilac to intense violet and combining inclusions of black aegrine, clear to light green feldspar and sprays of metallic, orange tinaksite. It is found in Siberia, Russia along the Chara River. As with any metamorphic stone, it holds helpful metamorphic qualities and will assist in creating new thought patterns and beliefs. Its purple colors move you steps closer to soul alignment. Meditating with Charoite is a wonderful way to gain new insights and open yourself to new possibilities. It is also helpful in re-regulating sleep patterns, for those of you having trouble sleeping, and can also assist in regulating fear in your dreams and to retrieve these thoughts more easily upon awakening so you may bring them into the open to be honestly dealt with. The black aegrine seems to move through thought to bring clearer understanding to both outward endeavors and soul maturation. And the metallic, orange tinaksite opens up the pathways of illuminations to more clearly interpret the unconscious into consciousness.
Chrysocolla is a hydrated copper and aluminum silicate growing is microcrystalline masses. It is bright green to bluish, can be opaque to translucent and has a hardness of 2.5. In its gem state it is known as gem silica and has a hardness of 7.
Another heart stone, Chrysocolla eases and heals the emotions by seeing through the perspective of the heart. A bringer of Perfect Love, this stone integrates the ideal of Higher Heart into a smooth and calm emotional state. Chrysocolla works within Higher Heart to remind you of your spiritual ideal. Remembering your ideal helps to heal any splits between your conscious self/mind and your ideal/divine self so that you may again become part of the Divine Plan on earth.
Chrysocolla calms the lower chakras – base, naval and solar plexus – by grounding the energies associated with them and creating energetic balance. Due to its connection to the earth and heart energies, Chrysocolla is a very good tool for communication with the earth and her elements. This is an excellent stone for healing to learn what, and where, needs to be healed within the earth, and upon her surface; including the plants, waterways, and creatures.
Chrysocolla is a universal energy that can heal on all levels, especially with a focus in third dimension. This stone elevates human consciousness and your understanding of what is considered mundane in the physical realm. With this stone, you can stay grounded while raising your perceptions of the cosmic and your spiritual potential. Chrysocolla is part of the Divine Plan to expand Earth’s great potential of universal and earthly love. To quote, “The love we make is equal to the love we take;” this has never been truer than now.
You can use Chrysocolla in a crisis to relax and heal the heart and other vital organs. Used as an elixir, you need only place this stone in water for a short time (5-10 minutes) to benefit from its powers that can be very concentrated. Try using your own powers of manifestation to amplify this affect.
The calmness of Chrysocolla helps you to feel that all is as it should be. Wear your Chrysocolla when working with others who need a great deal of support, emotionally or psychically, without feeling drained. You are needed now to show others your trust in the Divine Plan and that enlightenment and consciousness are very possible. In this way, they can learn to trust in the same way you have learned and now practice. Teaching others how consciousness is possible creates more individuals that can teach even more people of universal truths.
Some of the traditional sources state:
Click here for a meditation for chrysocolla
Draws out talents and creativity; supports independence; encourages committment; assists in relaxation and peaceful sleep. Good for eye problems, claustrophobia, heart, nightmares. Associated with the higher fourth and fifth chakras.
Associated with the third chakra for mental clarity and the golden light of the crown (or seventh) chakra and the connection to the God-Consciousness. Helps remove toxins; alleviates self-destruction. Use with medications to alleviate side effects. Supports meditation, manifestation, abundance, and clear thinking. Mental and emotional support. Works on the abdominal region, and muscles.
Citrine Candle Quartz
Citrine Candle Quartz is a natural yellow quartz. This recently discovered African mineral ranges in colors from a rich, honey yellow, to a pale yellow. Combining the attributes of both Citrine and Candle Quartz, these new crystals magnify the properties of both original stones.
Citrine is used with the Third and Seventh Chakras to create and initialize Divine Abundance in the physical world. Citrine also attunes your life force into clarified thought, or consciousness, by directing God-Consciousness into the play of life with your Higher Self.
Creating abundance, affluence and prosperity and manifesting these ideas is harmonized by Candle Quartz (often referred to as Pineapple Quartz). With this unified mineral, Citrine Candle Quartz, you can direct the energy of other stones into their own abundance. The energy of planet Earth is currently accelerated, and this new harmonic crystal is aligned with these new vibrations. You can manifest instantly. This new mineral reminds us that we can manifest abundance with the understanding that many voices, many lives, many souls have collectively joined together at this time to assist us in our transformational processes.
Used as a personal meditation crystal, or as a healing tool with yourself or others, Citrine Candle Quartz is a brilliant addition to your mineral toolbox. I have found that sleeping with a Citrine Candle Quartz will teach Universal abundance allowing me to consciously move into the day with a unique wholeness to accept my God-given rights of Abundant Living.
Quiets the emotions and stimulates sexual and kundalini energy. Works on the bones, teeth, insomnia, nervous system; dispels nightmares. Associated with the first and second chakras.
Creedite is a crystalline mineral growing in clear, orange, black and sometimes purple formations. The more common orange specimens resemble a pincushion or sea urchin, with prickly crystals protruding from the center formation and are very brilliant and interesting.
This is a higher chakra stone supporting the third eye, crown chakra and causal chakra. It will give your aura a sense of expansion and fullness when used. Because of its strong structural quality, it also resonates strongly with the central nervous system and bones of the body. This interesting combination unites the spiritual chakras with the emotional, mental and heart chakras to ground spiritual clarity while in its presence.
Creedite is a powerful stone to use during a trance-channeling meditation because of its strong support of the verbalization of the incoming messages. While, because of its growth patterns, this stone is usually not worn, it can be placed next to you or on your lap during your spiritual work.
In this same way, Creedite can be used while accessing the Akashic Records to support you in bringing clear and concise knowledge back from the Records Room. Use this stone in conjunction with ‘record-keeping’ crystals for better access of the hidden records, and for clarity while interpreting the oracles such as the tarot or divination tools.
If you have a tendency to “float-away” during meditations, Creedite, used in conjunction with black tourmaline, hematite or mahogany obsidian to help balance grounding is a great combination. Any of these combinations will help bring you into the physical during your practice or any other high spiritual work.
Combining Creedite with moldavite will enhance and enlarge your spiritual experience, while using Creedite with nuumite will ground the memories of your dream-state into reality.
Crystal Harmonics
In the last 10 years numerous minerals have emerged from within the Earth emitting the basis of Harmonics. These crystals are working together as friends and allies to achieve unification in the world. Much can be learned about ourselves and about working with others when we listen to these unusual pieces. Harmonics is the sound of two or more voices singing together. These voices are compatible with one another and in general accord as to the direction the creation is taking. The aria is fuller, the symphony is more complete, the audience feels more satisfied.
Crystals resonate to various notes or vibrations also. Each different color, each individual mineral has the capacity to sing with its own unique voice. The more minerals growing together, the more tones giving voice to melody. A human octave is the chakra system.
The essence of Crystal Harmonics is found in the very unusual Encrusted Quartz Scepters with manganese and feldspar. All three minerals are united in fulfilling the octave within us. Feldspar illuminates the Earth and Manganese broadens perception. The quartz crystal is sceptred within the quartz covering. No discordance here, only a beautiful song of moving together the upcoming changes. They naturally find the balanced male energy!
Another harmonizer, Tourmalinated Quartz, is a multi-faceted stone that carries the dual tones of both the tourmaline and the quartz. Within the last year, I have found entire quartz crystal points with full sized green, pink and watermelon tourmaline growing within. Excellent for use in personal growth meditations and for programming as growth enhancers. Also a wonderful tool for using with clients in their healing process.
Rutilated Quartz is another dual mineral species. Usually seen as Golden Rutile embedded within quartz, it is also found as reddish and greenish Rutile. Rutile helps us see the path before us with integrity and ease. It helps direct the golden Divine essence into our lives as a healing and practical event.
Any of these Crystal Harmonizers are wonderful additions to your mineral collection. Bring the crystal music into your world and hear the orchestration of life.
Danburite is a prismatic crystal that grows primarily in Mexico. It is also found in Madagascar, Russia, Bolivia, Burma and Japan. At first glance, it can resemble topaz, but it can be identified by its strong striations running parallel to the length of the crystal and with chisel-shaped terminations. This beautiful stone most frequently grows as colorless and pink [Mexico], yellow or golden-white [Madagascar], and grey [Peru].
Danburite directs angelic light through its striations and out the prismatic termination. One of the strong heart chakra healing stones along with Rose Quartz that teaches you to heal, Kunzite that gives you the expression of that love and Pink Tourmaline that gives you the safety to love, Danburite allows you to maintain your personal identity while in the world.
Danburite reminds you that you are no longer isolated from yourself or others. It opens the crown chakra and links that chakra with the heart. It also stimulates and clears the 8th [causal chakra] and 9th [stellar chakra] creating a strong dialogue of higher spiritual consciousness. It is considered a “Buddha Crystal”… a bringer of the aspects of enlightenment and love toward realization. This stone can promote faith and the comprehension of spiritual law.
Danburite enables you to be more patient. It is an excellent helper in times of need and can give you strength when you’re at your wit’s end. It allows you greater ease in traveling your path. It is here to help you know that you need no longer feel alone, confused or at a loss of who you are. It is helpful in bringing you into peace with all your relations, the earth, the elements, intergalactic beings.
Danburite is one of the Synergy Twelve stones and works towards our lessons of opening our hearts and minds to all beings.